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No. the carpal tunnel is an area that runs in the hand just under where it joins the wrist. Nerves run through this area that control the fingers, the thumb and the 2 and a half fingers next to it. A ligament in this area runs across this nerve and can for various reasons put pressure on the carpal nerve, leading to the following symptoms.

  • Numbness or tingling in the thumb and next two or three fingers of one or both hands
  • Numbness or tingling of the palm of the hand
  • Pain extending to the elbow
  • Pain in wrist or hand in one or both hands
  • Problems with fine finger movements (coordination) in one or both hands
  • Wasting away of the muscle under the thumb (in advanced or long term cases)
  • Weak grip or difficulty carrying bags (a common complaint)
  • Weakness in one or both hands
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should seek medical advice in order to stop any further damage from taking place.
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13y ago


The most common symptom in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is numbness and tingling.

Since CTS is caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrist, the symptoms that result show up in the distribution (area of the hand supplied by the nerve) of the median nerve: the thumb, index, middle, and half of the ring finger.

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms show up in the thumb because the median nerve supplies sensation to the palm side of the thumb.

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What do they do when you have to do surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome?

If you are preparing to undergo carpal tunnel syndrome surgery, a key thing to organize is to have someone with you, not only to assist straight after the surgery, but also for the next few days after.

What benefits come from using a carpal tunnel brace for the wrist?

I had carpel tun syndrome and found that a brace that stopped my hands from turning ito a fist during sleep was helpful, however the only thing that worked in the end was surgery.

Is there pain associated with injection in the wrist for carpal tunnel syndrome?

I had one just the other day and I didn't notice any thing other than the small discompfort of the lidocayne shot to numb the area.

How can you make carpal tunnel go away?

There are no known treatments to cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but there are many treatments that you can do from home such as ice, rest, (no typing), wrist supports, and massage therapy. These natural carpal tunnel treatments have been proven to bring relief to some individuals suffering from carpal tunnel pain. See your doctor if pain worsens or persists.

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel To Keep Working?

Avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome is something that can be done, but it takes careful planning. Throughout the day, people who perform repetitive motions will have to be conscious of the fact that they have to do certain exercises and take frequent breaks if they are to avoid injury to the carpal tunnel area. Otherwise, they may be subject to a workplace injury that will keep them from doing their jobs. The first thing that people can do to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome is to perform a few exercises before beginning their duties. For the hands, this could be as simple as shaking them before starting work. It will be necessary to take frequent breaks throughout the day; the exercises will need to be repeated before resuming work each time a break ends. If people sit long hours throughout the day, they will need to be aware of their posture. Good posture is important to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Workers do not want to be hunched over their computers or other machines while they are working, because they need their hands to be in a straight line. If the hands are higher or lower than a thirty degree angle, then the carpal tunnel area has the potential to become squeezed. This is how injuries begin. To avoid this, the hands should be in as straight a line as possible such as when typing at a keyboard. Sitting for long hours is not recommended if someone wants to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, but with good posture, it can be prevented. People need to make sure that their feet are planted firmly on the ground with their knees bent at a forty-five degree angle with their backs straight. This will keep the body from scrunching into a position that will squeeze the carpal tunnel area in the hands. Also because sitting for long hours is not good for the body, people will need to take a break every hour, as was mentioned above. During these breaks, people will need to stand up and perform, not just exercises for the hands that are executing repetitive motions, but for the entire body. Stretching exercises will help people avoid carpal tunnel syndrome when they take frequent breaks.

Does Cubital tunnel syndrome go away?

Cubital tunnel syndrome is the result ofpressure being put on the ulnar nerve beside one of the bones of the elbow. This pressure can be caused by inflammation or as a result of tissue build up on the bone and surrounding area as a result of arthritis. It may be necessary for you to get the thing scanned and get expert medical opinion on it as it may very well need surgery to fix it.

What exercises can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?

The most effective way to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome is to take frequent breaks from repetitive movement such as computer keyboard usage. Free software programs such as Workrave and Xwrits are available to remind users to take breaks and stretch their wrists1. **************************************************************** Preventing carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) that is from work exposure...repetitive use etc..does include frequent breaks.Also there are specific carpal tunnel exercises that can be done to help prevent symptoms in some cases.Physical therapist also have developed things like tendon and nerve glide type exercises that will help. The other important aspect of preventing CTS,is that you first need to determine what is causing or aggravating your CTS.You can take all the breaks in the world,but if your case of CTS is caused by diabetes,hypothyroidism won't help much,and you may be missing something that needs medical attention. Answer: The thing that helps me the most with my carpal tunnel and keeping it from coming back is to wear a wrist brace while I'm working on the computer or doing other such activities. I found mine at == ==

Can you wear a support bandage at night?

If you are talking about an elastic or "Ace" wrap or tensor bandage, I would say NO. These type of things will constrict flow and cause swelling distal to or on the other side of the bandage. So you will get increased swelling at your hand and fingers and for carpal tunnel this will aggravate your condition. For carpal tunnel syndrome or other conditions in where you want to keep the wrist in a neutral position, you need to wear a night splint made especially for this purpose. Pil-o-splints are probably the best overall for this type of thing.

What part of the hand should be massage for carpal tunnel syndrome?

I had carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. At no time did I find thatmassage was of any particular help. When the symptoms of pain got very pronounces the best thing to do was to simply wiggle the fingers about for a while. immersing the hands in hot then cold water proved to be help full also. keep the hands open whenever possible especially when asleep, you Will sleep longer before being awakened by it. Answer 2: The entire hand should be massaged and stretched focusing on the lower body of the hand, also the wrist and forearm muscles should be massaged and stretched as many of the muscles originate there.

What are some non-surgical treatments for Carpal Tunnel syndrome?

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } The following treatments have helped many people who, as a result, have been able to heal fully from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and avoid surgery. Rest and modification of your daily routine is the first thing to consider. Second - cold therapy. The ColdCure Wrist Wrap will reduce the inflammation of the tendons beneath the transverse ligament, opening up the tunnel and giving relief to the pinched nerve. This will also help alleviate the pain and swelling. Third - promote blood flow. Make sure the pain and swelling are gone and then start a regular regimen of Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy. BFST will stimulate nutrient rich blood to circulate through the tendons and the transverse ligament at an increased rate. This will repair the damaged tendons and ligament, giving you the relief you need. A wonderful alternative!!

What can I do if my carpal tunnel surgery symptoms have returned 2 years after having the surgery but not the same job?

This is certainly possible, surgery can help relieve pressure off of the median nerve, but scar tissue and inflammation of the tendons can result in reoccurence of carpal tunnel symptoms. Also if you have risk factors such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, arthritis will be prone to carpal tunnel syndrome. You can change jobs but if you are doing something similar it may still cause problems. Generally, the best thing to do is start with the basics again. Such as limiting your hand useage, using ice wrist wraps after hand/wrist useage 3 x day, sleeping in nocturnal splints every night! Start hand stretching/CTS wrist exercises, using advil or equivalent per label. If you still are having symptoms after 4-5 weeks I would contact your provider.

You have been experiencing twitching in your forefinger and thumb on your left hand for several weeks It is not painful but is very irritating What could be causing this to happen?

The twitching or tingling could be caused by carpal tunnel ,which is a ligament that runs from your arm down to the wrist and fingers . The tingling happens when the carpal tunnel causes pressure to the nerve which is also situated in the wrist called the median nerve. Usually carpal tunnel syndrome causes tingling and or numbness in the thumb , fore finger and middle finger. Also a burning sensation with the feeling that the fingers are swollen may occur . These symptoms usually get worse during the night and are caused by a number of reasons but mainly strain on the wrist such as in typing, cleaning , or any work which involves repetitive strain. The best thing i have found is wrist splints , these reduce the irritation and help keep the wrist from bending. You can obtain these from your doctor. Also your doctor will advise other ways to help such as hot wax treatments or physiotherapy .