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Healthier is a subjective viewpoint. Both are food but the turkey product may contain less turkey fat than the bacon contains pig fat. Many people would say fat is bad for you however the most up to date research clearly indicates that it is not (provided it is natural plant oil, dairy or animal fat) and that it is the sugars in one's food that are "unhealthy".

So if you like bacon eat bacon and if your religion says you can not eat bacon, eat cured turkey meat.

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Q: Is turkey bacon heathlier than pork bacon?
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Does turkey bacon have less calories than pork bacon?

way less

Is turkey bacon healthier than pork bacon?

Dr. Oz on Oprah - Pork Bacon is healthier, Turkey Bacon is extremely high in sodium though they are the same in calories.From:Eat This Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide: The No-diet ...David Zinczenko

What has more sodium turkey bacon or pork bacon?

It would seem that turkey bacon is a healthier alternative to pork bacon, but a quick look at the nutrition label says that it is not. Turkey bacon has almost double the sodium of pork bacon. You may also be surprised to learn that the fat content in turkey bacon is just slightly less, not enough to persuade many to switch. Take a look at the attached related link for more information.

What part of the turkey does bacon come from?

Bacon does not come from a turkey. Bacon comes from the Diaphram of a pig. Actually pork bacon come from the belly or side of the pig. I'm not sure exactly where turkey bacon is on the turkey, but bacon is just a certain kind of muscle on an animal. Knowing that I would assume that on a turkey it could more than likely be in a similar location as on a pig. I am not completely sure though. Real Answer: Turkey Bacon comes from the thigh of the turkey. Because of the leaness of the meat it is chopped or ground up and formed into strips to look like pork bacon. Pork bacon comes from the pig belly. They usually cut the meat and fat from the pork belly. The left over skin if deep fried is then pork rinds.

Is turkey bacon considered bacon?

If you're asking about the fat and sodium level then yes it is. But if you're asking if it tastes better then regular bacon there really is no answer for that. Some people can't handle regular bacon because it has too much fat, sodium, oil, and grease. So with that theory turkey bacon is better. But some people don't like turkey bacon because they think that it's just a cheap ripoff off regular bacon. But some people like both. I have a friend who had never tried turkey bacon. One day she came over and in the morning when we ate it she loved it! All in all it just depends which one you like better. Only YOU can answer that. My theory is that bacon is way better. Turkey Bacon is terrible!

Is pork healther than turkey?

Yes pork is healther than turkey

Why is turkey bacon worse for you than regular bacon?

Turkey Bacon is WAY more healther for you

What is the differences between turkey and bacon?

Turkey bacon is healthier than regular bacon. Regular bacon is made from pigs.

How many calories in bacon bits?

One strip of bacon has approximately 40-50 calories.45 calories.

Is turkey sausage high in cholesterol?

All animal-based foods contain some cholesterol, so yes, turkey has cholesterol. The amount is low compared to red meats, though, and depends on the cut; turkey white meat has less cholesterol than turkey dark meat. Since a substantial amount of the cholesterol is contained in the skin and any fatty tissues, the cholesterol you consume in turkey can be reduced if you remove the skin and fat before eating.

Is turkey skin healthy?

"Healthy" is very subjective, but turkey sausage usually contains less fat, saturated fat, and calories than beef or pork sausage so it can be a healthier alternative.

Is turkey sausage healthier than pork sausage?

Pork sausage may get a bad rap in our society of all natural, healthy and green eaters, but it's not all bad. Typically pork sausage is higher in fat (around twice as much) than turkey and chicken sausage, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat it. You can check different online websites, where you can find more information about turkey and pork sausages.