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There are many ways a woman can be physically abused that do not include hitting.

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Q: Is your spouse overreacting by calling you a physical abuser when you only lightly shoved her once?
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If your an emotional abuser what causes them to leave?

the victim or the abuser? emotional abuse cuts deeper than physical abuse. it has to do with manipulation. though emotional abuse and physical abuse ususally go hand in hand.

Is it possible for an emotional or physical abuser to love someone?

I dont think an abuser loves himself so he cant love. I just left the man after 6 yrs of trying

Why report a spouse as an Abuser if there is not one shred of evidence to support such an accusation?

You don't need physical evidence for proof. Just the fact that your afraid of your abuser is enough to get the law involved.

What is the jail sentence for a physical abuser?

It varies, depending on the jurisdiction, the actual abuse, and whether or not there were previous incidents.

Is your spouse overreacting if she calls you a physical abuser because once in 30 years of marriage you caught hold of her hands as she pulled away?

It does sound as if she is over reacting a little but it does depend on what was happening during the time it happened, the situation is important. And more importantly is the way she feels, if she is feeling as if you've crossed a line, then it matter even if you don't feel as if you did. Talk to her and take her feelings into consideration no matter how much of an over reaction they seem to be.

Is it common for the abused victim to be smarter and better looking and more socially accepted than the abuser?

Yes. But it is also common for the abuser to be all of those things. Abusive realtions are common, physical and verbal, romantic and non.

I left my abuser alone but he wont leave me alone he always breaking into my home?

I recommend calling the police and putting cameras. Hope it fixes your problem bud.

What mental and physical signs are related to Stockholm Syndrome?

Positive feelings by the victim toward the abuser/controller Negative feelings by the victim toward family, friends, or authorities trying to rescue/support them or win their release Support of the abuser’s reasons and behaviors Positive feelings by the abuser toward the victim Supportive behaviors by the victim, at times helping the abuser Inability to engage in behaviors that may assist in their release or detachment

Is your wife mentally abusing you by reporting you to the police as a physical abuser when you are not?

Maybe it will help if you define what a physical abuser is. I am not judging you, but your question leaves too many possibilities. If you define a physical abuser as a man that punches a woman more than once, then you do not consider yourself an abuser. However, this is denial to make yourself feel better. A physical abuser is a personn MAN or WOMAN that hits a person in any way more than once. Hitting includes, spitting on, chasing, cornering, towering over, throwing or threatning to throw an object, punching, grabbing, slapping, restraining. In addition, it is abuse if you threaten any of those actions. Emotional abuse usually comes before physical abuse. Emotional abuse includes yelling, swearing, belittling, name calling, gaslighting, headgames, forgetting, discarding, ignoring (silent treatment), gossiping, neglecting and many more forms. Please read about the cycle of abuse on google. You may be an abuser. If you want to keep your marriage intact its best you acknowledge this problem. Most women do not go and tell police they are abused by a husband if they are not. It takes a real man to admit he needs help and a useless one to continue to abuse a woman. If legal steps have already been taken, it is up to the police, a judge, and possibly a court appointed psychologist to make a determination of what is actually going on in the home between the couple. This is not to say that some people do not falsify claims of abuse--but in many cases, the abuser continues to deny his/her actions, even when there is clear evidence of physical abuse going on. This is not the time to worry about your wife's motives--if you are insistent on proving to the police and the court that you are not an abuser, I would suggest moving out of the marital residence, going to counseling, and looking for legal advice from a family law attorney. Do not contact your wife or any of her family, do not make threats of any kind.

Was David Pelzer a child abuser?

No he is not a child abuser.

How do you call a person who abuses a handicap person physically and psychologically?

There is not a special term, it is simply an abuser guilty of physical aggression and premeditated cruelty

Why would an abuser drop a romantic partner well into a physical relationship the moment they were told they were cared deeply for?

An abuser may be afraid of intimacy and the commitment it requires. This is a rather curious question. Let me tell you why. It's common for people to drop partners in physical relationships when they express feelings, that's a "fear of commitment" thing. It isn't common at all for an abuser to drop someone that way. They usually actively seek situations in which they can feel more cared about than caring. That is another form of control.