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If six pregnancy tests all come up negative, I'd say that you are not pregnant and you should stop looking in that direction no matter how desperate you are or are not to be pregnant. What is clear is that you have a condition that is not going to be cured by hanging out here. In my worst imagination I am thinking that your pain and cramping is something to do with a huge backup of blood and vaginal sloughings that desperately needs to come out and for some reason it can't. Hopefully that vision alone is enough to help you understand that you need to be in a doctor's office, and the sooner the better, whether or not you have an appointment.

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16y ago

Listen mami We have the same problem

I will go and say the no your not .

when a girl misses he period for a couple of months

your body is not used to that so is stars giving you pain is like a warning

that you need to do some thing about that.

go to your gynecologist let him/her know.

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Q: It's been 43 days since your last period and you have been experiencing cramps and lower back pain and all 6 pregnancy test are negative are these signs of a possible pregnancy?
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Yes you can take a pregnancy test that is negative and still be pregnant. As far as the milky discharge, that may be an infection.

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o yea

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Menstrual cramps are NOT a normal part of healthy menstruation - as for 'side-effects' different people can experience different things, but negative symptoms are preventable. It's normal to menstruate without experiencing menstrual cramps, it's abnormal to experience menstrual cramps.

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Yes it is, I experienced them when pregnant with my daughter. Its quite normal in early pregnancy. You just want to keep an eye if they are experienced with bleeding,you will want to see your doctor asap as it could mean miscarriage. Good luck!

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It is possible that you are having a miscarriage. You need to go to hospital at once

Is slight cramps normal in early pregnancy?

Yes it is very normal 4 out of 5 people get cramps in early pregnancy and may have extreme cramps.

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Even if a pregnancy test showed up negative, cramps and acne that randomly occur with a missed period could signal pregnancy. Wait a few days and then test again.

Can you have pregnancy symptoms and have a negative test result?

Yes , take two pregnancy tests to make sure . Or even three.

Is stomach pain not cramps a sign of pregnancy?

Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant

How painful are cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. I had cramps during my first pregnancy which felt a lot like period cramps, but I did not have cramps during my other two pregnancies. They usually disappear after the third month (12 weeks.)