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Yes it is, I experienced them when pregnant with my daughter. Its quite normal in early pregnancy. You just want to keep an eye if they are experienced with bleeding,you will want to see your doctor asap as it could mean miscarriage. Good luck!

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Yes, Google 'Braxton Hicks'

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Q: Is it possible to be experiencing menstrual cramps during the first missed period of pregnancy?
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Is it possible to have menstrual cramps but no period?


Can it happen where you got your period but you did not get the cramps and the side affects?

Menstrual cramps are NOT a normal part of healthy menstruation - as for 'side-effects' different people can experience different things, but negative symptoms are preventable. It's normal to menstruate without experiencing menstrual cramps, it's abnormal to experience menstrual cramps.

What causes Menstrual type cramps and lower back pain during pregnancy?


If you are a virgin but your period is very heavy and are experiencing bad cramps and dizziness?

As long as you have not had intercourse, with anyone , and even if you have heavy heavy, and you have cramps and dizziness , are not signs of pregnancy.

Is it normal to feel cramps and have a yeast infection as a sign of pregnancy around the time your menstrual cycle should start?

They are not signs of pregnancy, but you may be pregnant and have them.

How can you tell the difference between menstrual cramps and pregnancy cramps?

Just speaking from experience. You shouldn't have pregnanacy cramps?? When I was miscarring I had severe cramping but that was later on the preganancy. Do you have spotting or bleeding? If so, contact your doctor right away! Have you miised you scheduled period? Menstrual cramps feel similar to inital labor pains, but of course the labor pains become much more intense. Good luck to you. THE REAL ANSWER RIGHT HERE!!!!!! should have cramping during pregnancy because your uterus is making way for the baby. yeah you can have misscarrage cramps but c'mon, everyone knows about implantation cramps.....

Is chocolate good for menstrual cramps?

No, chocolate isn't good for menstrual cramps - on the one hand caffeine in chocolate can make menstrual cramps worse for some people, on the other hand it makes you happy so more relaxed which helps with cramps. If you experience menstrual cramps it's best to prevent cramps, and although dietary changes can reduce cramps chocolate has no impact on menstrual cramps.

How can birth control pills help cramps?

Menstrual cramps are caused by a chemical found in the menstrual fluid. By reducing the amount of menstrual fluid, the pill reduces cramps.

Why does it hurt when I bend over in the abdomen?

Pain in the abdomen could mean that you are having intestinal problems, such as constipation. You may also be experiencing menstrual cramps.

Does nyquil help relieve menstrual cramps?

Nyquil is for a cough and sore throat not for menstrual cramps.

Can you have period cramps in early pregnancy?

Yes, at the time for your first period after conception. Cramping is common during other times of pregnancy but it's not uterine or menstrual cramping.

Why do I not have menstrual cramps?

Menstrual cramps are common but they are not a normal part of healthy menstruation - it's when you have menstrual cramps that there is something wrong. Taboos surrounding menstruation have a major effect on menstrual cramps so those who are more comfortable with their period are less likely to experience cramps, also note that most people can prevent cramps with lifestyle changes.