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well i got a lot of tips about home remidies ,try them and they will work nice read it here ,it also have a lot of related links

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Q: Ive just turned 12 and have acne what are some home remedies that aren't toothpaste?
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How do you get rid of acne with home remedies?

Apply regular toothpaste and sleep with it over-night.

What types of natural remedies are there for acne?

Natural remedies for Acne include Baking Soda, Egg Whites, Lemon Slices, Cucumber and Toothpaste. However, none of these remedies are medically proven to work, so you may still need to see a Dermatologist.

What are some homemade remedies for bad acne?

There are many home made remedies that can be used to treat bad acne. Some include applying fresh garlic to the swollen areas to reduce scarring as well as applying toothpaste to spots to help reduce the inflammation.

How do you stop having acne natural remedies house remedies no creams just simple house remedies stuff I can find easily on the super market or Walmart or in my house remember all natural no lies ok?

There are a few natural remedies or home remedies which involve simple household ingredients that can be used in stopping and treating acne. One can easily find the ingredients for these remedies in the Supermarket or Walmart or in their own homes. Some all natural remedies include using toothpaste on areas of acne infected skin or using a sliced potato on the skin. Using a sliced lemon on the skin is also another good home remedy for acne.

Is toothpaste good for acne?

The consensus of dermatologists in reply to this question is that there is no connection between toothpaste and acne.

Where could one find a source of homemade acne treatments?

One of the best homemade acne treatments is the application of white toothpaste directly to pimple, which helps dry up the oils causing acne. Other home remedies can be found on Wikihow and eHow.

What is the most popular home treatment for acne?

Isotretinoin is a powerful medication used to treat sever cystic acne and other acne that has proven resistant to other medications. Isotretinoin is considered the most effective acne treatment because it is the only treatment that effects all four factors that cause acne; clogged skin pores, excess oil production, Propionibacterium acnes and inflammation.

Can toothpaste make acne go away overnight?


If you put toothpaste on top of your acne will they cure?

sort of because the toothpaste only burns the puss out of fit

What kind of toothpaste do you use for putting on acne sores?

Please don't use toothpaste on acne ,it would dry it but the chemicals in paste Will harm the already inflamed skin,so use a proper acne wash or adapalene gel.

What are some home remedies to help clear skin of acne?

Toothpaste is great for drying up pimples. Before going to bed at night, dab a spot of toothpaste on the bump and wash it off in the morning. Using a baking soda scrub is also helpful in getting rid of blackheads and shrinking the pores.

How does toothpaste get rid of acne?

the toothpaste acts like a mask on your face, normally, the toothpaste won't take away your acne right away. however it will reduce the size of bumps. the toothpaste's minty smell opens your pores and cleans them out like a vacuum. It dries pimples out.Toothpaste also can get rid of Hickeys!