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Q: Kosher meals was eaten by which religion?
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Related questions

Is there a special place were kosher s eaten?

No. Kosher is eaten everywhere.

What religion uses the term 'kosher' to apply to food that may be eaten?

Jews and Muslims if Halal meat is not available

What religion has the practice keep kosher?

The Jewish religion practices kosher.

What are some cheap Kosher restaurants in the center of Paris?

Visit for cheap kosher meals in France!

What Jew's meals are there?

look up "Kosher meals" on Google - that should help answer...

Why is Kosher food eaten and when is it eaten?

Kosher food is eaten whenever a Jew is hungry, because we don't like starving and we can't eat anything else.

What can you have for statters for kosher meals?

Don't you mean "starters?" I recommend kosher hot dogs in a blanket.

Uses the term kosher to apply to food that may be eaten?

Kosher food is a part of Judaism. Food that is prepared and served following the laws of kashrut is kosher and may be eaten by religiously observant Jews.

What religion does not eat kosher foods?

Christianity does not require kosher foods.

What is the airline that only serves kosher meals?


Can you request a kosher meal at the Answers Summit dinner buffet?

Yes. Kosher meals are available throughout the Summit.

When are meals eaten in China?

the meals are eaten on holidays or new years eve. isn't china a cool place to live