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..Training. ?When the body is warmed up. And for example when you begin to run.

All the lactic acid- waste. is forced into the system.

after approx. 1minute ?the load hits the body. should you stop the results are cramps sore muscles.

dont stop. force the toxins out through profuse sweating.

pace yourself.

I did.

I began skipping for 3minute rounds.

and ended up being able to skip for an hour + before Training.?

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Q: Lactic acid is poisonous what does this mean about how long muscles can use anaerobic respiration?
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What is the disadvantadage of anaerobic respiration?

It produces lactic acid which exhausts your muscles in no time

What gets built up in your muscles during anaerobic respiration?

lactic acid

What do humans produce during anaerobic respiration that harms muscles?

lactic acid

When muscle cells undergo anaerobic respiration they become fatigued and painful this is now know to be caused by?

This is caused by a buildup of lactic acid.

What is the burn after a vigorous exercise?

The burn is due to the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is produced when there is not enough oxygen available for aerobic respiration and the body switches to anaerobic respiration.

Why do muscles get tired during anaerobic respiration?

When muscle cells undergo anaerobic respiration they become fatigued and painful due to the buildup of pyruvate in cells. The pyruvate is converted to lactic acid.

What happens to muscles when there is not enough oxygen?

oxygen debt. more oxygen is needed than what is being supplied. the body then begins anaerobic respiration (the cells "breathe" for you). a result of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid. lactic acid is that soreness feeling you get after a hard workout

What happens in respiration reactions if no oxygen is present?

This is when anaerobic respiration takes place. It is respiration without using oxygen. However, when anaerobic respiration takes place, lactic acid is produced and accumulates until the muscles cannot work any more. This is why anaerobic respiration can not happen for very long. After anaerobic respiration, the person usually has to breathe heavily in order to break down the lactic acid and to 'pay back the oxygen debt'.

Anaerobic respiration produces what?

The equation for Anaerobic respiration is: Glucose -> Lactic Acid + Energy (ATP)

What is the name of substance that is the chemical bi-product of turning glucose into ATP and what does it do to your muscles?

Lactic acid. It lets your muscles function with a lack of oxygen (anaerobic respiration instead of aerobic respiration).

What happens when you cramp?

cramping generally refers to the build up of lactic acid in the muscles due to the process of anaerobic respiration.

Why does your heart rete increase when your running?

The heart rate increases to supply more lactic acid to the muscles for anaerobic respiration.