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Q: Last two states added to the American flag?
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What was the last two states added to the American flag?

Hawaii and Alaska

Which was the last state to be added to the American flag?

hawaii! :)

What is the meaning of the 50 stars in the american flag?

It represents the 50 states of America. It was 1959 when the flag added a fiftieth star to the flag.

What do the stars represent on the american flag and why were stars chosen?

to represent all states added

How many stars are on the current American flag what do the stand for?

In 2016, there are 50 stars on the flag of the United States of America and each star represents a state in the union.

When was the last time the American flag was changed?

The flag of the United States of America was last changed on July 4th, 1960 for the admission of the State of Hawaii to the United States.

Is Hawaii part of the 50 states on the American flag?

yes because it is the 50th state added to the union

What year were the last two stars added on the flag?

In 1959 Hawaii became the last state joined to the United States, and then the star was added.

When were Alaska and Hawaii added to the flag?

Alaska's star was added to the United States of America's flag in 1959. Hawaii was added to the flag in 1960.

Who made the 50 star flag and why?

The flag developed over time. Francis Hopkins designed the first flag for the navy in1776 and Congress has recognized him as the designer ( not Ross). When the United States began there were 13 stars, but as states were added so were stars. The last two stars were added in 1959 when Alaska and Hawaii were added.

What do the stripes and stars on the American flag mean?

The stars on the American flag represent the number of states in the Union. For that reason, the appearance of the American flag has changed many times over the years. The original flag, known as "Old Glory," displayed 13 stars to represent the original 13 states when the nation declared its independence from Great Britain in 1776. Today's flag has 50 stars because there are now 50 states. The last two stars were added in 1959, when Alaska and Hawaii joined the Union, bringing the number of states -- and the number of stars on the flag -- from 48 to the present 50. The flag has not changed since then. The stripes represent the 13 original colonies.

When was Tennessee added to the American Flag?

In 1796.