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Both have a playful attitude and desire for an epic, enduring romance. Its the strongest relationship ever.

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Q: Leo and cancer do their relationship will last?
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Are Leo woman and Cancer man compatible?

Generally speaking, a Cancer - Leo relationship will be harmonious.

Which zodiac sign is likely to cheat in relationship?

Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus and Leo! :)

What is Leo's best match?

A Leo's Best Match would be a SAGITTAURAS,ARIES,or a LIBRA..BUT THERES A CATCH..a Leo would have a good relationship with a libra but may have a short term relationship! Leo's most compatible signs are Aries and Sagittarius.

What star sing if born 23 July?

You are on the Cancer/Leo cusp.

Is cancer and Leo a good match?

There is no coflict between a Cancer and a Leo, but there is also no chemistry. Cancer and Leo get along with each other but they don't "get" each other either. Leo and Gemini are the two signs that Cancer can learn from because of their differences (Gemini and Leo are the signs at either side of Cancer).

Is cancer and Leo compatible?

A bit of, be carefulWith Cancer and Leo, Cancer's water-based personality might clash with Leo's fire-based personality. Cancer is seen as emotional, soft interior within a hard shell and visage. Leo is just that bit different, although compassionate Leoans are still not the most caring and sensitive of the 12 signs. Both Leo and Cancer are known for their different forms of anger, Leo been firey, quick yet short-lived and Cancer's anger been moody, emotionally-linked and at times cold and almost serious. However its not all bad, Cancer with a bit of control can cold down Leo's tendencies to think their royality and using the same principle of control Leo can heat up Cancer to make it that bit warmer. All in all I'd say this relationship is 43% compatible

Am I a Cancer or Leo if I'm born on the 22nd July at 1918hrs I have much more Cancer traits than I have Leo traits?

You're on the Cancer-Leo cusp.

Are Leo compatible with cancers?

Cancer and Leo relationships are compatible. Cancer's and Leo's love getting attention. They also love paying attention to others. Cancer to take care of them, Leo's to entertain them. They also make great parents, Cancer for the love and Leo for the positive discipline. They differ with money, with Cancer being the saver, and Leo the spender.

If your born on July 23 are you a Leo or Cancer?

Born on July 23rd, you would be born under the sign of Leo, but on the cusp of Cancer.

Is soulja boy a cancer or a Leo?


Is July 22 Cancer or Leo?


Are Cancer Leo cusps compatible with Saggitarius?

im a cancer-leo and I have found my soulmate in a sag.