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Initially Martin Luther listed 95 disagreements that he had with the Church, they are called the 95 Theses. Later in his development he added others. See the link below.

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Q: List five disagreements Martin Luther had with the Catholic teachings?
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How did martian Luther King challenge catholic authority and teachings?

It was Martin Luther - not Martin Luther King, he was from Planet Earth - he wasn't Martian, and he challenged the Catholic church by writing his 95 Theses and refusing to withdraw them at the demand of the Pope.

What was the ninty five theses?

The 95 theses were posted on the Church in Wittenburg by the German monk and religious reformer Martin Luther in 1517. The theses were basically disagreements Martin Luther had with the practices of the Catholic Church.

Is Lutheran a cult?

NO. It is a Christian Protestant religion based on the teachings of Martin Luther who broke with the Catholic church.

What were the punishments imposed on Martin Luther for his challenge of Catholic teachings and practices?

1. He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. 2. He was (later) declared an outlaw.

Why was the followers of Martin Luther called Protestants?

Because they protested gainst te Catholic Churches Teachings and Practices. His teachings formed the basis of the Lutheran Church.

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.Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church was never "threatened" by Martin Luther.

What is the main tenant of the Lutheran religion?

Lutherans are a protestant denomination that have their origin with the teachings of Martin Luther. Luther broke with the Catholic church over several theological differences.

What Reformation leader nailed ninety-five reasons on the door of a church for his objections to some of the Catholic Church's teachings?

Martin Luther.

How did the ideas of Martin Luther and the teachings of the Catholic Church differ 3 examples?

The core theological difference is Luther believed in salvation by faith alone and the Catholic Church believed in salvation by faith plus works.

What were the people called that followed the teachings of Martin Luther King?

Lutherans are the most direct followers of Martin Luther. However, many other Protestant denominations grew indirectly out of Luther's teachings.

How did Germany's peasants react to Martin Luther's teachings?

They were very mad and wanted to stop martin luthers teachings

What effects did martin Luther's teachings have on northern Europe?

One effect was the beginning of Protestantism, the other was the Counter Reformation, (reform of the existing Catholic Church).