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Q: Lysosomes sometimes kill cells instead of protecting them?
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Why do animal cells have lysosomes but plant cells don't?

Actually, plant cells can have lysosomes but they usually don't. Hydrolytic enzymes of plant cells are more often found in the vacuole. Animal cells usually have lysosomes as well, but sometimes they don't.

Do bacteria cells have lysomes?

Bacteria cells do not have lysosomes. These are sometimes called the "stomach" of the cell.

What is the definition of lysomes?

lysosomes are used in cells to transport molecules out of the cell. They also can sometimes digest compounds.

Do animal cells have lysosomes?

yes only because plant cells do not have any lysosomes.

Why are lysosomes found more often in animal cells?

# why do blood cells have so many lysosomes?

Are lysosomes found in eukaryotes?

Yes, eukaryotic cells have lysosomes.

Are lysosomes in plant or animal cells or both?

Lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells.

Which organelle releases chemicals that break down and recycle cells and organelles?

the lysosomes

Are lysosomes both in animal and plant cells?

Yes, lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells

What type of human cells contain lysosomes?

Eukariyotes have lysosomes in their cells.Prokariyotes lack lysosomes in them.

What benefits do lysosomes have?

the cells

Do humans cells contain centrioles and lysosomes?

yes, humans and animals have lysosomes, along with plant cells. But in the case of lysosomes in plants, the vacuoles take the lysosomes place. The lysosomes are the digestive system in a cell and they energize the cell by digesting proteins. :)