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white blood cell

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Q: Mammalian cell which is not capable of metabolizing glucose to carbon dioxide aerobically?
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Which mamalian cell is not capable of metabolizing glucose to carbon dioxide aerobicallly?

red blood cells

What is the product of metabolizing food?

carbon dioxide and water

Where does blood exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen in the mammalian circulatory system?

the lungs

Are carbon monoxide and water the products of metabolizing food?

No, cellular respiration, the central process of our metabolism, produces carbon dioxide and water.

What is carbon dioxide produced from?

combustion and cellular respiration

Is urea found in urine?

Urea is the chief solid component of mammalian urine; synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide and used as fertilizer and in animal feed and in plastics.

How many red blood cell is capable of transporting oxygen molecules?

each Red blood cell is capable of transporting oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

Is urea normally found in urine?

Urea is the chief solid component of mammalian urine; synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide and used as fertilizer and in animal feed and in plastics.

What kind of gas does yeast produce?

When glucose is added to yeast in solution, the enzymes inside it turn the mixture into ethanol and carbon dioxide, so, for your question, carbon dioxide. It also respires normally (aerobically) and then too produces carbon dioxide.

What gases are exchanged during transpiration?

Carbon dioxide and oxygen. It gets oxygen from the sun and they get glucose. then, they break the glucose down and gives out carbon dioxide.

How do animals produce carbon dioxide?

The process is called respiration, plants respire too but only at night. The word equation for this is: Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

Product of mammalian cell fermentation process?

There are number of product available ,For e.g. Erythropoetin, monoclonal antibodies, different types enzymes, different hormones like insulin etc.