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Between 1620 and 1630, the Puritans who came to the Massachusetts colony were overall coming based on religious intolerance in Europe. Ironically, the Puritans could be quite intolerant themselves banishing Catholics, and on some occasions, as with Roger Williams, their own ministers as well. Putting the colony in order was very hard work, many who came from affluent backgrounds, weren't used to. After 1640, 11% of the settlers returned back to England, the rest stayed the course, and eventually became profitable.

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Q: Massachusetts conditions in 1620 - 1630?
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When did they found Massachusetts?

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What two colonies did the Pilgrims found in New England between 1620 and 1630?

The two colonies that the Pilgrims found in New England were Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Plymouth Colony was settled in 1620, while the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded in 1630.

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The first Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth on November 11, 1620. The first Puritans arrived at Massachusetts Bay in the summer of 1630.

What colony did the puritans first establish?

Plymouth in 1620 and not 1630.

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The Pilgrims founded Plymouth Colony. The Puritans were the group that settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

What year was Massachusetts established as a colony?

The Massachusetts Bay Company was chartered in March of 1630, with its first ship's sailing to England. They were the John and the Mary. On June 12,1630 they returned and founded the settlement of Dorchester Massachusetts. I hope this helps