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Q: Massachusetts state rock
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What state is Plymouth rock in?

Plymouth Rock is in Massachusetts.

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In which state is Plymouth rock cross?

Plymouth Rock is located in Massachusetts, seeing as the Pilgrims landed there.

What is the name of the rock where the pilgrims landed and what state?

Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts

What is the name of the rock where the pilgrims landed and what state is it found in?

Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts

What state did the pilgrims first land on?

Massachusetts was where one boatload landed, near what is now known as Plymouth Rock

What US state is Plymouth Rock in?

Plymouth Rock is located in Plymouth Harbor at Plymouth, Massachusetts. The rock is specifically found on the shore of Plymouth Harbor in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The actual rock is not the original which was a 15 foot long boulder. The replica is much smaller and is now located behind a waterfront promenade for visitors to see.

Why the rock is famous?

Plymouth Rock is the site that the ship The Mayflower came onto shore, carrying the pilgrims. The actual rock is in the state of Massachusetts.

What state is Plymoth Rock located in?

Plymouth Rock is located in Plymouth, MA. It is the traditional point at which the passengers aboard the Mayflower disembarked onto the New World.

What US state has the longest history?

I assume Massachusetts because that is where Plymouth Rock is located.

Where did the pilgram land?

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Why is Massachusetts a state?

Not entirely sure could have something to do with pilgrims landing on Plymouth rock which happens to be in Massachusettes.Your welcome.