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Protection, ever watching etc. My mum has one on her shoulder, looks over her sort of thing

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Q: Meaning of eye tattoos on the back of neck?
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What do star tattoos by the eye indicate?

Star tattoos near the eye are gang symbols. Teardrop tattoos near the lower corner of the eye indicate you have killed someone.

How should I care for my eye immediately after getting an eyeball tattoo?

Eyeball tattoos are not done on the eye. Eyeball tattoos are representative of a "third eye" that is often done on the back ("watch your back") for protection or vigilance. The care of such a tattoo is no different than any other design. The tattoo artist will provide you with instructions for caring for a new tattoo.

What does multiple dollar signs tattoos under the eye mean?

I think it has no particular meaning, I think it is just someones idea of an original tattoo.

Can prison guards have visible tattoos?

Yes and no... But first of all we are correction officers not guards. Since we are not in the "public eye" our standards are alittle more relaxed. You cannot have tattoos on your face neck or below the wrist. But most correctional facilities won't care unless they are or look like gang tats

Meaning of teardrop prison tattoos?

A "prison tattoo" of a teardrop, usually on the face near the eye, represents death - either caused by or witnessed by the person wearing the tattoo.

What tattoo shop in the us does tattoos in the eye?

because people want to dye the color of their eye

Which neck exercises should be avoided if one has a eye problem?

The neck exercises that should be avoided if you have eye problems should be tipping your head back, leaning too far over, and moving your neck side to side. This is because these positions will put more pressure on your eye and cause more injury. Holding your head upright in a natural position will avoid further eye injury since the pressure will be balanced.

What is back in Latin?

Back as in the thing under your neck AT THE BACK is tergum. Spine = spina. Nose = nasus Eye = oculus Head = caput Mouth = os Hand = manus

Throat spasm tightening and swelling of throat accompanied with pain in my jaw and ears down my arms to my fingertips neck and back pain down the spine lasts for 20 mins or so NO chest pain?

pain in back of neck which caused slow function of brain cannot see clearly eye burning sensation. pain in back of neck which caused slow function of brain cannot see clearly eye burning sensation.

What do teardrop tattoos under the eye s?

It means they have killed someone !

What does a butterfly tattoo mean when it is under your right eye?

Butterfly tattoos do not have a specific meaning. The individual may have gotten this tattoo to represent a lost family member or because they just wanted it.

What are the dangers of bungee jumping?

Possibility of neck, back, joint, or eye injury from the jolt.