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Q: Mechanism of reaction between 2-butene and chloroform in presence of potassium t-butoxide?
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Describe how you would carry out a test to show the presence of fat in a biscuit What observation would indicate the presence of fat?

You can extract fat with chloroform and weigh the fat after you evaporate the chloroform.

How is The presence of a refuge is an important mechanism?

The presence of a refuge is an important mechanism that stabilizes otherwise unstable predator-prey interactions.

Why chloroform kept in dark brown bottle?

Chloroform in the presence of air gets oxidised to phosgene. Phosgene is carbonyl chloride & is represented as COCl2. To prevent the formation of phosgene, chloroform is stored in dark colored bottles.This is represented as CHCl3 + 1/2 O2---->COCl2 + HCl.

What is the mechanism by which the presence of glucose inhibits the lac operon?

The mechanism by which the presence of glucose inhibits the arabinose operon is catabolite repression. The lac operon is responsible for the metabolism of glucose.

How do you test the purity of a sample of chloroform?

This is because in the presence of air chloroform is oxidised to phosgene. To prevent the formation of phosgene, they are stored in dark colored bottles.CHCl3 + 1/2 O2 ---->HCl + COCl2.Phosgene is represented as COCl2. This is poisonous.

Why is chloroform stored in a dark brown bottle?

this is becauseChloroform decomposes when exposed to direct sun light or high temperatures in the absence of air, hence the dark brown bottles. BUT Chloroform also decomposes in a dark place in the presence of air.

What is dragendorff?

A solution of potassium bismuth iodide. It is used to determine the presence of alkaloids.

What happens if potassium is sprayed over the flame?

If you were to spray potassium over a Bunsen burner flame it should emit a lilac/purple colored flame due to the presence of potassium ions.

What happens with water and chloroform and soap solution combined?

Water is a polar solvent while chloroform is a non-polar solvent. There is a popular aphorism used for predicting solubility which is "like dissolves like". Water and chloroform have different solubility. Therefore, chloroform is insoluble in water and will just form a layer when mixed. But in the presence of soap solution, they can mix together. Soap serves as an emulsifying agent that will reduce the surface tension of the solution.

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Potassium hydroxide removes carbon. It also helps to break down starch. Therefore, potassium hydroxide would mean less starch production.

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