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Writers from the Modernist period used individualism, intellectualism, and anti-realism in their writing. They also used experimentation in their writing extensively as change just for the sake of change.

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Q: Modernist writers made extensive use of what?
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What is accurate about generalization about modernist literature?

In many cases, modernist writers made heavy use of symbolism.

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to use new forms of plot

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By exaggerating the truth (apex)

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the use of stream of consciousness narration

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By exaggerating the truth (apex)

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The word "extensive-use" is a compound noun, made up of the adjective "extensive" and the noun "use."

What are the fundemental values of modernism?

Modernism covers a large number of writers, and a large geographical area (most of the innovative writers from both Europe and the US who established themselves later than about 1890 will come under the heading 'Modernist' for at least some of their output); there isn't really any single 'fundamental' value of modernism, it is more a general way of approaching writing. That said: 1) almost all 'modernist' writers prefer to use natural language over literary forms (traditionalist writers as late as 1900 were still using 'thee', 'goeth', 'where'er', 'alas' in poetry - modernists try to write the way people actually talk: 'you', 'goes', 'wherever') 2) similarly, a modernist usually writes about the world he knows, not some old-fashioned fantasy world (traditionalist Alfred Dumas wrote about musketeers who rode around on steeds and fought with swords; modernist Emile Zola wrote about women who were married to rich factory-owners, and committed adultery) 3) as modernism takes hold (mainly after World War I) you increasingly see modernist authors having strong political or social ideas. Traditional authors like Dumas or Balzac were mainly interested in producing books which would sell well, and that the audience would enjoy reading. Modernist writers were more likely to want to write books that 'made people think'. Many early modernist writers were sympathetic to Fascism (Yeats, Pound, Marinetti), later there were more Socialist modernists (Brecht, Dos Passos). There was no special political orientation that made you a modernist, but modernists were much more likely to have political messages in their work than more traditional writers.

Why do modernist writers use dialect?

They use dialect to make a link to that particular audience. For example, "Dem want more" or "I ain't". These quotes link to a Caribbean audience. This is done to connect them to the poem or story.

Modernist writers of fiction tended to prefer what characterization?

Modernist writers of fiction tended to prefer complex and psychological characterization, focusing on the interior lives and thoughts of their characters rather than providing a straightforward description of their characteristics or actions. This style of characterization often blurred the line between the character and the narrator, creating a sense of subjectivity and fragmentation in the narrative.

What techniques was one way Modernist writers compensated for the fact that they couldn't make assumptions about their readership the way past writers could?

Modernist writers experimented with stream of consciousness, fragmentation, and unreliable narrators to engage readers in new ways and challenge traditional literary conventions. By embracing ambiguity and complex narrative structures, they invited readers to actively participate in constructing meaning and interpreting their works.

How did modernist writer use fragmentations?

Modernist writers used fragmentation in many ways. An example of how it was used would be James Joyce, who used a very fragmented poem to portray the decay and fragmentation of western culture. Through the poem lacking a central, unifying theme, the writer exhibited what they felt was happening to the culture of the time.

What is charachteristic of internal monologue in modernist writing?

Internal monologue in modernist writing is characterized by the stream-of-consciousness technique, where a character's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions flow freely and often without traditional narrative structure. This technique aims to capture the fragmented and nonlinear nature of human consciousness, offering insights into the character's psychology and inner workings. Modernist writers use internal monologue to explore themes of subjectivity, alienation, and the complexities of human experience.