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The two monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, in Australia are the platypus

and the short-beaked echidna.

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Q: Monotremes are egg-laying marsupials Name the only two monotremes in Australia?
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There are two 'purebred' breeds that lay blue eggs. Those are the Araucana and the Ameraucana.Note that the standard for Araucanas differs in Europe from the American standard (they are similar to Ameraucanas of American standard, but have smallish feathery head crests unlike them. They were developed in northern Scotland from Araucanas/'Easter Eggers' stranded there from a merchant ship from South America which grounded on the coast in the 1930s).Cream/Crested Legbars, one the 'Autosexing Breeds', also lay blue eggs.However, EasterEggers (a mutt chicken with a blue egglaying ancestor), can lay blue or green eggs, but do not meet the standards of the Araucana or Ameraucana.

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producing fishFirst of all you need a female and a male fish but its hard to tell what gender a fish is .In the rite surcomstances the female fish will lay her many eggs and afterwoods the male fish will insert his sperm into the eggs. They dont have sex.But its hard for fish to lay eggs in captivity

What are the lyrix for perry the platypus's theme song?

Hes a semi aquatic egglaying mammal of action! (duby duby duba) Hes the furry little flatfoot,who will never flynch from a frayyyyyyyyyyyy,hes got more than just mad skills! Hes got a beaver tail and a bill,and the women swoon,whenever they hear him say! Chatter! Hes perry! Perry the platypus! you can call him agent p! Perry! I said you can call him agent p! Agent p!

What does Ornamental chicken mean?

Ornamental refers to the chickens use. In this case, they are "ornamental". They are not suited for the purpose of meat, egglaying, or both (dual purpose). They are typically very beautiful and fancy, whether that mean feather-footed, crested, extra toes, muffs, beards, long tails, etc. Due to being bred for show, they are often finicky, frail, or otherwise "dainty" birds. The breeds considered ornamental were once used for meat/eggs, but were continually bred for confirmation and not use - and such, lost their other qualities in favor of show ranking.

How do you make fishes mate in aquarium?

One time I had two goldfish and they had 38 "fishlings" (As my sister calls it...). I have a silverside that has eggs. A silverside isn't sold in pet stores. :( ==== Not all tropical fish mate in an aquarium. Why,I do not know. Sometropical fish that will mate in a tank are guppies and mollies which are live bearers. Tetras and barbs are egglaying fish.