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Depends somewhat on the breed. That said, 12 years is getting towards the end of life for most canines (although some do live longer). Problems urinating raise to mind renal issues (kidneys). If the color of the urine is extremely pale, this is a sign that renal failure is fairly far progressed, but it's not enough to make this diagnosis without your vet seeing the dog. Constipation -- I usually look to the diet. If you aren't using canned foods, consider moving over to them -- especially the high quality ones formulated for an older dog. Talk to your vet as well about how to correct this. Antibiotics would only work if there's an infection. What you've described doesn't sound like an infection at all. Note that the well intentioned words of a layman on the internet are no replacement for your Vet's assessment. Please check with your vet.

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Q: My 12 yr old dog is really constipated and has trouble urinating vet had her on antibiotics but isn't any better?
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Viruses run their course and antibiotics are not prescribed for them. Antibiotics work against bacterial illnesses. So, if you have a cold (virus), but get pneumonia (bacterial) you can take antibiotics to get better.

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Vigamox does work better than older antibiotics. It is however, considerably more expensive, so only tends to be used when first line antibiotics have not worked well.

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What if im constipated?

pull it out. Two hands works better than one! Get some lube too

Why might you not feel better after taking antibiotics?

You may be allergic to the antibiotic, you may have taken an overdose, or you may have not taken enough antibiotics to help you get better. Hope this helped!

All 10 days of antibiotics?

Yes! Take all of your antibiotics as prescribed, even if you start to feel better.

Can your antibiotics make inflammation worse before it gets better?

Antibiotics should have no effect on inflammation unless you are allergic to it.

What dog antibiotics are safe for humans to take?

This Better be a joke. Do not take them!

What vaccine can you use for a cow urinating blood?

You won't need a vaccine for this. When an animal starts urinating blood, this means that the kidneys are shot. You're better off to put the animal down, because eventually she will bleed to death.

How do antibiotics make you feel better?

Antibiotics work by killing off the bacteria causing your infection. They only work on bacteria so they don't make you feel better if you have a virus like a cold or flu.

Can you take cetirizine while on antibiotics?

There are no interactions between any antibiotics that I can think of and cetirizine however there are many types of antibiotics out there so something specific would give a better certainty to any answer you'll receive.