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Q: My back always cracks when doing situps?
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Is it bad if your back cracks way too much?

If you keep cracking your back then it could be bad. But it wouldn't tell on you at a young age but when you get older it will.If it just crack with out anyone doing it to you or you doing it to your self no it's not bad

When i do situps i get a kind of lower back acking pain either side of my spine not on my spine it only aches however during situps as soon as i stop it goes away. Whats going on?

You may be doing sit-ups on an uncomfortable suface or the way you are putting your hands. if you put your hands behind you head make sure that you are NOT pulling yourself up.

Is it true that a workout for your stomach can help with back problems?

Yes and no. If you're looking to get rid of a current back problem by doing some situps then good luck. But if you're having on and off problems with your back it could be caused by extra baggage carried around your waist. Getting trimmer will help relieve the stress on your back.

How can you trust her how many you love her?

A relationships is trust! I think of trust as if it were a mirror once Its broken u can try to put the pieces back together but the cracks will always be there but if love is present then u will find a way to see past the cracks

What training such as like pushups situps and how often to do them till you have enough strength to perform back handspring?

Well, first of all, you have to know how to do a front handspring. Then you should practice handstands. Once you feel comftorable, then you should do jumping jacks, situps, and learn how to do a back sommersault. After you can do these, then practice the back handspring, and you will be able to do it. Good Luck!

What would happen if you were pregnant but you didn't know it and you did sit ups?

If you're asking if sit ups will cause a miscarriage, generally they won't -- especially early in the pregnancy. But everyone is different. Everyone's bodies are different. If you experience any stomach pains or bleeding, contact your doctor! If you don't even know you are pregnant it is very doubtful that doing situps would harm the baby. But they might hurt you. You shouldn't do situps as they are bad for the back (pregnant or not). abdominal crunches are what you should be doing.

Any time I try to work out my abs doing situps or using a machine my lower back hurts before I even feel it in my abs. I'm using the correct form so what could the problem be?

try doing lower back exercises. strengthening your back is just as important if not more than your abs. the stronger your back the less it will hurt when working out your abs. Also consult you doctor you may have someething wrong with your back that needs treatment.

Does bow wow write back to fanmail?

sometimes bow wow does write back to his fans but not always cause he be busy doing things while he is on tour doing cs.

What were people doing before the eruption?

People were most likely doing what they always did cause back then they wouldn't of know a volcano was about to explode.

Is it okay if your back cracks when doing regular crunches?

Yes - It's just where there just less natural lubricant in between the vertebrae. Try Glucosamine, it's good for joints and spine.

How many situps do you have to do in a week to get a 6 pack?

having a six pack is 90% your body fat and 10% muscle. First lower you body fat. Second of all, no one number is good for anyone, and I wouldn't recommend just doing sit ups. Try many different ab workouts and increase your regiment over time.

How can you get your life back to the way it was?

There are many ways to get your life back to normal. You could try doing the activities that you've always done for example.