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Garlic is actually toxic to cats, so which is most likely why your cat is having bad reactions to it.

As for general Allergies, they certainly can. I once had a cat with severe allergies. Cats can develop allergies to many things, although it is becoming increasingly common for a cat to develop allergies to corn and gluten often found in cheaper commercial food brands, and to household chemicals.

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Q: My cat seems to have allergies to garlic. Do cats really have allergies?
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Is garlic bread good for cats?

Garlic bread is not good for cats. Garlic is toxic to cats and dogs, and should never be fed anything with garlic in.

Can cats have Allergies?

Yes, your cat can have Allergies.

What are the medicinal uses of garlic?

garlic is good for infections and is said to make ticks leave dogs and cats though im not positive if that really works.

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if your talking about cats what you could have is allergies towards cats or have asma etc. if your talking about cats what you could have is allergies towards cats or have asma etc.

What cat breed is good with allergies?

one of the best breeds with allergies is the siberian cats

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Can cats eat garlic?

my cat had food with garlic in it so garlic in cat food is OK just not whole onions or garlic but most cats don't eat garlic or onions

Do cats hate garlic?

It is likely they won't eat it, certainly; garlic and onions contain sulfur compounds that are harmful to cats, so likely the scent will warn them away from trying to eat anything with garlic in it.

If you have had several Tabby male cats with no allergies and now have a Calico female with severe allergies what is the reason for this?

Every cat is different.You may just be allerget to Calico cats.

Which cat is best for somebody with allergies?

If you have an allergic reaction to dandruff and or fur the best cat you would want to get is a Siberian Cat. I know it sounds weird but check out google and type in "cat without dander." Answer If someone has allergic reactions to cats it's usually because of cats saliva. Cats spend most of their time grooming themselves that their saliva gets and clings on their fur. So people with allergies to cats are not allergic to the cats fur, but to their cats saliva. I suggest to a person with allergies to cats to get a Spynx ( a hairless breed of cat) or an American Shorthair. These are the best breeds of cats for people who have allergies.

Will cats affect you?

Cats will only affect you if your allergic to them. If you have allergies the cat fur will make you sneeze.

Does Hannah Montana like dogs or cats?

of cource dogs she has allergies to cats just like me