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Yes.Better safe than sorry also . Just so you know I did a little research to answer you :) (what can i say? its hard to be humble ^_^)

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Q: My dog was chewing on a skunk head. Should I be worried about rabies?
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Can you get rabies from eating after a skunk?

Only if the skunk has rabies.

Can you get rabies by inhaling skunk spray?

No dogs do not get rabies from being sprayed by spunks. But if they are bitten they do. The spray will just leave them stinking horribly!

Can you get rabies from blood coming from a skunk on any part of its body?

you can contract rabies from blood, tears, and saliva of any infected animal.

Can skunk spray make a person sick?

No, spray does't make people sick. If you are bitten by an unvaccinated skunk, you need to worry about rabies, but rabies cannot be transmitted by spray. However, the smell might make you vomit.

What should you do if your dog gets sprayed directly in the mouth be a skunk?

If the dog got sprayed, it was probably in too close of contact with the skunk. If a dog is foaming after contact with any animal, that's usually a sign of rabies. You should get it checked out with a vet quickly.

Do rabbits have rabis?

Rabbits do not carry rabies but can get them if bitten by a rabid animal such as a fox, coyote, dog. skunk or wolf.

What would be the best way to get sprayed by a skunk?

Agitate him or frighten him . Stay away from wild skunks . They have a fairly common incidence of rabies.

How do you tell the male skunks from female skunks?

one of them has a penis!! Can you guess which one?????:) Never attempt to tell on a wild skunk. You will get sprayed. And if it comes after you , it may have rabies.

Can skunk spray burn a dog's skin?

It's possible but more probable that it will give your dog rabies if it's not vaccinated.

Is Rabies vaccine needed after previously vaccinated?

Typically, the rabies vaccine your vet gives to your cat/dog/other animal lasts one year the first time given, and the following rabies shot is usually for three years. Your vet probably sends out reminders to get pets vaccinated, but if your animal gets bitten by a raccoon/skunk/something known to have rabies, you can always take it in to get a booster shot to prevent any chance of your pet getting rabies.

What should you do if you have a two-story house with two fireplaces and they have a strong skunk odor?

Get rid of the skunk, maybe?

Can a strong skunk smell harm your child?

It should not