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Your credit rating will be negatively affected. As both of you are equally responsible for the loan contract, both of you will be equally affected. Negative notations on your credit report will result in a lower credit score.

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Q: My ex-fiance and I bought 2 cars together he is primary and I am co-signer for both we are now separated and we will each be keeping our own cars how will i be affected if he doesnt make his payments?
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Related questions

What are the consequences of signing a car loan when the primary borrower defaults on the payments?

When the primary borrower defaults the cosigner becomes legally responsible for the loan. If the cosigner is not able to pay the loan he or she can also be subject to legal action by the lender and the cosigner's credit score will be seriously affected.

If a parent cosigns on a car loan with hisher child and the child does not make payments can the stepparent be held responsible or have their credit rating impacted if the payments are not made?

The cosigner is responsible for the loan and payments if the signer does not pay or keep up the payments. Your credit rating can be affected.

If you cosign an auto loan for someone and they refinance in one year and remove you from the loan how will that affect your credit assuming all payments are made on time?

The cosigner's credit isn't affected one ioto unless the person who was responsible for the loan payments defaulted, then and if the cosigner also defaulted. In other words, just being a cosigner does not affect ones credit ratings.

If I own a home with a co signer and file a chapter 7 will their credit be affected?

If the mortgage payments are still being made then no - they won't be, however - if you default on the mortgage payments then yes - they will go after the cosigner and if it is not paid their credit will be effected.

What are the benefits of a cosigner?

A cosigner basically is a guarantor for the repayment of a loan or value and serves as cosigner of the debt. If the debtor fails to make payments or defaults, the cosigner is obligated to pay off the debt. No benefits for the cosigner, but cosigner benefits the debtor.

Can the cosigner sell the house if his name is not on the deed and the primary borrower has missed 3 payments?

No. If you are not on the deed, you can't sell the property. The only "right" you have as a cosigner is the obligation to make the payments.

Can the cosigner sell the home if payments are not being made?

Absolutely not!

What are the benefits of cosigning?

A cosigner basically is a guarantor for the repayment of a loan or value and serves as cosigner of the debt. If the debtor fails to make payments or defaults, the cosigner is obligated to pay off the debt. No benefits for the cosigner, but cosigner benefits the debtor.

Can a cosigner help your credit?

from what i know when you sign on a cosigner you hand your item to them so if you make good payments it builds their credit if you fail to make payments it hurts their credit but it is a good way to start.

Can prompt payments help increase a cosigner's credit score?


If the cosigner is on the title can they take vehicle if person is not making the payments?

Yes..... I did

Can a cosigner in California take possession of a vehicle if the primary borrower is not making the payments in Georgia?

Only if the cosigner is also named on the vehicle title.