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One who faces increased number of pimples on face must avoid taking fatty foods. The best solution would be to use a Skin Care cream which does not contain much chemical substances in it.

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Q: My friend who is 30 years of age is suffering with pimples on her face Which cream would best suit to get rid of her pimples?
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What components in a face cream would prevent pimples?

Most of the time it is salicylic (sp?) acid. Depending on the product.

Can I give my best friend a cream pie?

If they want one, it would be very nice.

What is the best thing to put on pimples?

Hey there! Well, to get rid of pimples, first you have to wash your face day and night. You should see a decrease in pimples between 3-7 weeks. I would recommend to buy special facial soap to use when you wash your face to make the pimples go away faster. Well, I hoped that helped!

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They would run a considerable risk of suffering poor health due to malnutrition.

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He would date a fan which has pimples and wearing braces unless they have good personality.

Would Justin Bieber date a girl with pimples?

Of course. Justin had pimples too. He knows they will go away!

How do you get rid of pimles?

There is no definite way to "eliminate" pimples completely. To help clear up pimples use Clean and Clear face wash. Its Oil free and it has a purple pump and the wash is orange. Sorry i dont know the name. :(

What is the best spot cream for teen boys?

Spots = Blackheads, Pimples, Whiteheads?My friend uses ProActive and he says it gives him a good result. But this may not work for all teen boys. Being a teen girl, I don't reccomend anything with bad chemicals, because results are, you'll have more. So I would reccomend, on a guy friend's words, to try out Proactive and see if it's right for you.Sign,SomeoneILove

Why is ice cream important to the society?

Certainly if we had no ice cream, we'd see the apocaypse. Many things are dependant on ice cream, including ice cream shops, squirrels, and myself. Not my friend that happens to be lactose intolerant, though. What would the ice cream man do in the summer? Would he have to resort to driving a regular un-musical truck? This would send millions of little children into screaming controversy. Including me. Therefore, ice cream is quite important to the society.

How do you aid pimples?

Aid means to help, did you mean how to rid pimples. I wouldn't think you would want to have more pimples. aid means treatment is asked apply termaric paste for 5 minutes and wash face.

What is the reason of pimples on the face what can i do?

Pimples are pretty much caused by hormones which means you are growing up or sometimes it can be hereditary. You can prevent pimples if you use an acne treatment which are sold in most drug stores. I would recommend Proativ :)

Is ice cream bad for a dog?

In moderate amounts there is nothing wrong with sharing a bit of your ice cream with your dog friend. Sugarless Ice cream would be better. Try to share any flavor other than Chocolate. Chocolate is poison to dog.