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The Antarctic Circle

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Q: Name the latitude that would receive 24 hours of darkness on June 21?
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What latitude that would have 24 hours of darkness on June 21?


How long is sunlight in a hot desert?

The length of day in any desert depends upon its latitude and the season of the year. It has nothing at all to do with the fact that it is a desert. A desert would receive the same amount of daylight as a non desert region at the same latitude.

If there are 24 consecutive hours of darkness then you would experience what season?

24 hours of darkness occur only above the Arctic and Antarctic circles during winter.

If you visited antarctica in December would you have 24 hours of darkness?

No, you'd have 24 hours of sunlight.

If you were still in the same place how many hours per day of darkness would you get in winter?

24 hours

Where would you be standing if you got 24 hours of daylight every day in many hours of darkness would you get in winter?

in the area where trees are not there

If you lived at 50 north latitude how many daylight hours would you have at the summer solstice?

about 16.3 hours

How would day and night be different if earth's axis were not titled?

The hours of darkness and daylight would be equal.

How would night and day be different if earth's axis were not titled?

The hours of darkness and daylight would be equal.

How many hours per day of darkness would you get in winter?

That depends on where exactly you are, and on the season.

What features is it likely that they would have that Iceland is near the Arctic Cirlce?

24 hours of darkness

What position would the South Pole be in to experience 24 hours of darkness?

The Southern Hemisphere would be pointed away from the sun in order for the South Pole to experience 24 hours of darkness -- which occurs at the pole every day between about March 21 and September 21.