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Q: Neurons send messages in the form of what signals?
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How neurons send messages?

The messages are carried by chemical messenger across the neurons (synapses). It is actually an enzyme which is released from one end of the synapse and which triggers the electrical message to pass through each cell from side to side.

What part of the neurons send out messages?

The synapses.

What cells in your body send and receive messages?

The basic cells that the body uses for rapid communication and control are neurons. The cells that carry signals to muscles and glands are the motor neurons.

Which of these brain cells send and return messages to each other?

Neurons send and return messages to each other.

Where do motor neurons send their signals?

The muscles and the brain

What type of nerve sends messages to muscles?

The nerve synapses transmit messages form one nerve to another.

Neurons have the ability to send signals. What particular property do they have?


Which sensory neurons send signals to CNS about external environment?


How are messages carries in neurons?

Neurons send electric impulses to your cells via the dendrites. The Axons carry the electrical impulses away from the cell. This process sends out signals to your brain for all of your body processes such as muscle movement.

What type of human cells send messages?

neurons cell

Do muscles send brain messages?

That last answer was wrong because neurons send messages from muscles. The system that does this is called the nervous system. It's a system made up of neurons NOT nerves. There are tons of different neurons, but the three main neurons include sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Motor neurons interact with muscles.

Which neurons send messages to the spinal cord and brain?

Interneurons send messages from the spinal cord to the brain.