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Nixor College!=)

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Q: Nixor college for a levels is better or any other a levels college?
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List of a level schools in Karachi?

Nixor College Lyceum Karachi Grammar school these are the best three options . other than that southshore bay view Foundation Public school Beaconhouse and other Alevel colleges

Is a school of education better than a college of education?

It's not that one is better than the other, it could be that they are just at different levels. A school of education can be anything from preschool to elementary school, to high school, and can include college. Each school is at its own level.

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It's not that one is better than the other, it's which one leads to your overall career goals and objectives.

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Its a recognized college, But better to join in some other college.

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well they are both about as good as each other as they are both in section F in the rankings

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It depends on the accreditation of the college. I would recommend an regionally accredited college over an nationally accredited college. Tuition would be the other factor....

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Almost all colleges accept FASFAs. An FASFA is a form of student loan help and almost all colleges accept this, so therefore an FASFA college is not better than an ordinary college. They are the same.

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The BU Metropolitan College has a different focus from the BU College of Engineering and the two cannot be compared in terms of one being better than the other. While it is possible to begin in the Met College, you would have to transfer to the Engineering College to obtain an engineering degree.

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It is easier to get into college if your parent's have gone to that specific college because you would be a legacy there. Other than that, it does not really make a difference whether or not your parent's went to college. Getting accepted to, and graduating from, college has to do with your brains, not the brains of your parents.

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yes it does, white more so than brown, although i think it is better than some other grains

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it relaxes your mind and body and lowers levels of stress ,their are other benefits such as self satisfactory as you will look and feel better about yourself

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a community college is like a public school and a private college is like private school when you are little but a little bit harder but private college might have more advancements than a community college because community college is for people that can not afford to go to college