

Non urine leakage in male dog?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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Q: Non urine leakage in male dog?
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What smells worse female or male dog urine?

male urine is the worst

Is my impregnated dog suppossed to leak?

I don't know about a pregnant dog, but urine leakage is a sign of diabetes, get a bottle of diastix glucose test strips and test her urine.

Is female dog urine more fertile then male dogs?

Urine plays NO part in dog mating.

Why does a male dog's urine is thick and yellow?

Because of its sperm goes in with the urine

Will my male dog urine's kill grass once he is neutered?

Yes. Dog urine, regardless of whether is it male of female, will kill grass if it is concentrated enough.

Do female dogs burn grass?

Urine, whether a male or female dog, or human for that matter, will tend to kill grass, yes.

Does a neutered male dog smell differently to other dogs?

Yes, a neutered male dog will not have as strong a scent and there won't be as much testosterone in the marking urine.

Why does male chihuahua dog mark?

Any "non fixed" male dog will mark things. They do it to tell other dogs and/or animals that this is their teritory. The scent from their urine is kind of like a warning sign to "keep out" for other animals. A few ways you can fix this is getting your dog spaid, or neutered, or training it in some way to only urinate in one spacific spot, and nowhere else. Hope that helps you out! :)

What causes a male dog to get hung to a female dog during intewrcourse?

Female dogs give out a scent when they are in heed. Heed is when a female is in a position were that is the only time they can mate. So they have a scent that the Male dogs can smell that scent. Also it is in their Urine.

Does male dog urine kill grass worse than female dog urine?

No. The reason dog urine kills grass is because of the high amount of nitrogen found in dog urine. In a lawn where no fertilizer has been applied, dog urine will iincrease plant growth and green-up the grass. The problem sometimes comes when your lawn has high nitrogen levels from fertilizer and the dog urinates. This would be an "overdose" of nitrogen and cause the turf to burn. It's a common misconception that "acid" in dog urine kills grass. The truth is that dog urine can have a pH of 6.0-8.0(slightly acidic to slightly alkaline) which is no where near acidic enough to kill grass. True Dog urine spots will many times be brown in the middle and growing vigorously around the brown spot. You can now buy a product called Dog Rocks which you put in the dog's water bowl. After a couple of weeks you should notice an improvement in the colour of your lawn. The rocks alter the pH level of the urine to prevent the 'burn'.

Is there something you can give dog to stop dog urine stains on grass?

Yes! use DOg Rocks, hassle free & non medicinal, we have been using for about 6 years and the result is a perfect lawn, so easy!

Why does your dog urine smell like fish?

Why are you smelling dog urine, new hobby or something?