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Much bigger population from which to recruit armies.

Thriving manufacturing industry for all kinds of war supplies - and skilled tradesmen continuing to arrive from Europe.

Advantage in Artillery.

Far more talented President.

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The advantages enjoyed by the North(Union) in the War Between the States were multi-faceted. The population in the North was several millions more than in the South. The North therefore could field larger armies. When losses began to reduce numbers,there was a steady flow of European immigrants coming to Northern ports. Government recruiting agents would approach these immigrants as they were arriving and offer them money to enlist to fight.The South had no such practice. The North had an already existing Navy with which it imposed a blockade on Southern ports,which greatly reduced the amount of materiel supply coming from Britain for example. The North had a much larger industrial base with which it could produce weapons and other military equipment. The North had a more extensive rail network with which it could move troops and supplies/equipment from place to place as needed more effectively than could the South,which had a less developed rail network.

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