

Octet rule for diatomic elements

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: Octet rule for diatomic elements
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Diatomic elements are generally stable.?

Yes, Diatomic elements are usually stable.

What is significant of octet rule?

The octet rule is the tendency of many chemical elements to have eight electrons in the valence shell.

How do metals obey the Lewis octet rule?

The elements can be described by dot structure. Metals combine with other elements to make its octet complete.

Which three elements violate the octet rule?

The octet rule cannot be satisfied in molecules whose total number of valence electrons is an odd number.There are also molecules in which an atom has fewer, or more, than an octet of valence electrons.

Which rule says that elements will bond to a total number of 8 electrons to be stable?

octet rule

Does BeH2 violate the octet rule?

The octet rule only applies to elements that are heavy enough to have reached the second shell of electrons. In the first shell, the octet rule does not apply because the first shell is completed with only two electrons, not eight. So no, the octet rule does not apply to beryllium hydride.

What isOctet rule for electrons?

The octet rule is the tendency of many chemical elements to have eight electrons in the valence shell.

What elements do not obey the octet rule?

I know Hydrogen and Helium for sure, not sure about the other elements. The noble gases.

Why does the octet rule not always refer to a stable arrangement of 8 valence electrons?

The octet rule does not apply to transition and inner transition metals and to the first for or five elements in the periodic table.

Explain Why are fluorine bromine iodine and chlorine are diatomic elements?

They all have 7 outermost electrons and want to get to a stable octet. The easiest way to do this is to pair up and share an electron so they both have 8 and hence they are diatomic.

What rule is it when representative elements form bonds until they have eight electrons in their valance shells?

The octet rule also known as the rule of eight

What is the Lewis formula for the octet rule for the ions ClO2?

There is ClO2 and ClO2^-. For the chlorite anion (ClO2^-) the Cl will have 10 electrons and will violate the octet rule. For ClO2, all elements will have 8 electrons.