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Q: One argument for a strong federal government is its role in ensuring?
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What is the Main source of income for federal government?

Taxation, although lately, a strong argument could be made for borrowing.

Why did Sadie Beckwith oppose a strong federal government?


This was an argument of the federalists?

For a strong national government

How did Alexander Hamilton justify the taxation powers of the federal government?

Alexander Hamilton favored strong powers of taxation for the federal government. He saw money as the lifeblood of the nation. Without strong federal powers regarding taxation, the government could not perform a common or general duty of ensuring the well being of the nation. Thus, tariffs, for example, are one measure that will help ensure that the federal government can function in its duty to serve the nation as a whole.

What group believe in a strong central government?

The Federalists believed in a strong federal government.

The significance of Shays's rebellion is that it?

It began the growth of the federal government.

What did the Marshall Court ruling that supported the sanctity of the contracts end federal law over state law boost?

a national economy and a strong federal government

Did hamilton want a strong federal government?


Federalists wanted a strong what?

The federalist wanted a strong Federal/Central government.

What did the federalist essays argue?

They argued for a strong federal government and that a strong federal gov was the only way to save the country.

What dose federal system mean?

Federal system of WHAT?

What was one key argument from the federalist papers?

The country needs a strong central government