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Carbohydrates, fibre, protein, calcium, vitamins a b c and d, and phosphorus.

All those are necessary to be healthy.

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Q: One component of a healthy diet is a high amount of?
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How do I replace my high fiber diet?

You can replace your high fiber diet, by simply substituting or decreasing the amount of fiber you are consuming in your diet. Depending on how many calories you are consuming, the fiber can be replaced with extra carbs, proteins, or healthy fats.

What is a heart healthy diet?

A heart healthy diet is low in saturated and trans fats, moderate in unsaturated fats, high in fiber, and includes a wide variety of different whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

What plan is a good healthy diet?

The healthiest diet involves eating fruits and vegetables, and limiting high-fat foods. Another component is exercising at least three times per week to improve cardiovascular functioning.

What are the benefits of a South Beach Diet?

There are many advantages to a south beach diet, one of which being fast weight loss. The user of this diet will also experience a high amount of fiber intake, which is very healthy.

What exactly a healthy diet means?

A healthy diet is low in saturated and trans fats and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The higher fiber content can help control your cholesterol and the limited amount of processed foods can reduce your sodium intake.

Where can I found out about high fiber diet?

WebMD and your doctor will provide you with all of the information you need about any kind of diet, including a high fiber diet. A diet high in fiber is great at regulating your system and keeping your insides healthy.

What are the two keys to a healthy diet?

exercise and eat low fat high carb and high protein

What are some of the best high fiber foods to include in a healthy diet?

High fiber bran flakes in the morning are a great way to add fiber to your diet.

Where can I find out more about high cholesterol diet?

You can find more information about the high cholesterol diet. You can get information at and

Eating protein for a healthy diet?

There are a myriad of ways to approach a healthy diet. Healthy diet foods can be found in every diet category. A high protein diet has often been considered a healthy option. Protein provides essential enzymes that keep the body healthy and functioning. High protein foods such as eggs, fish, milk and soy should be included in most daily diets Eggs are a low calorie option that provides the body with essential vitamins and protein. Fish is high in protein and contains essential fatty acids that may lower the risk of diabetes.

With the high cost of food today, is it possile to have a healthy diet plan?

Providing a healthy diet is difficult with the current high food costs. Learning how to shop and prepare low cost, yet healthy foods is possible.

How may symptoms of Hartnup disease be obviated?

Eating a healthy, high protein diet