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suspend the writ of habeas corpus

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Q: One of the most controversial things Lincoln did as president was?
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Andrew Johnson was one of the most controversial US presidents. He served as president from 1865 to 1869. He was the seventeenth US president and became US president upon the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Johnson was a Democrat from Tennessee and was hated by the South because as the vice president under President Lincoln, he was considered to be a traitor to his home state of Tennessee. Tennessee of course was part of the defeated Confederacy, thus Johnson branded as a traitor by the South.

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What do you think about Abraham Lincoln as a president?

I really do believe Abe Lincoln was an honest man, and he didn't deserve to be assassinated. He's my favorite president of the U.S.A.

Who was the union president during the civil war?

Lincoln. He was the 16th President and was elected in 1860.

What president brought the most controversial and compilcated election in American history in 1824?

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What was one of Abraham Lincoln's jobs before he was President?

Lincoln made most of his money as a lawyer.