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One way scientists classify organisms is by their method of obtaining energy and nutrients. This is known as their trophic level. For example, producers (plants, algae) are at the first level, primary consumers (herbivores) are at the second level, secondary consumers (carnivores that eat herbivores) are at the third level and so on. Another way is by their characteristics of movement, such as sessile and motile organisms.

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Sahed Rana

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One way that scientists classify organisms is by the method of locomotion used by the organism. Locomotion is the ability of an organism to move from one place to another, and it can be classified into different types, such as walking, crawling, swimming, flying, or jumping. This classification can be used to group organisms into different categories, such as mammals, birds, fish, and insects, based on the way they move. This can help scientists understand the characteristics and behaviors of different organisms and how they interact with their environment.

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Nathaniel Bogbil

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One way that scientists classify organisms is by their method of locomotion, which refers to the way that an organism moves from one place to another. This can include methods of transportation such as walking, flying, swimming, crawling, and more. For example, animals that walk on land are classified as terrestrial organisms, while animals that swim in water are classified as aquatic organisms. In addition to locomotion, scientists also use a variety of other criteria, such as an organism's physical characteristics, behavior, and genetic makeup, to classify organisms into different groups. This helps scientists to understand the relationships between different organisms and to study the diversity of life on Earth.

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Kiran P. R

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not typically classify organisms based on the method of transportation they use. Instead, scientists use a system called taxonomy to classify organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing, and classifying organisms based on their shared physical and genetic characteristics. Taxonomists use a hierarchical system of classification that groups organisms into increasingly specific categories based on their shared characteristics. This system includes domains, kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species.

Some characteristics that are commonly used to classify organisms include their physical appearance, behavior, genetic makeup, and ecological role. While an organism's method of transportation may be a characteristic that is considered, it is not typically used as the primary basis

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Scientists use their mode of transportation, which can be either self-propelled or passive, to classify organisms. Self-pushed organic entities effectively move themselves, while latent organic entities depend on outer elements like breeze, water flows, or different creatures for transportation.

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VS Shankar

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No, the method of transportation used by an organism is not typically used as a primary method for classifying organisms by scientists. Organisms are typically classified based on their evolutionary relationships, shared characteristics, and genetic similarities. This classification system is known as taxonomy.

Taxonomy classifies organisms into a hierarchical system that includes various levels, such as domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. These classifications are based on a range of characteristics, including anatomical features, genetic information, reproductive methods, and more.

Transportation or locomotion methods, such as flying, swimming, or crawling, may be relevant to the study of specific groups of organisms, such as birds or marine animals. However, they are considered secondary characteristics and are not used as the sole basis for classification. The primary focus of taxonomy is to determine the evolutionary relationships and shared traits among organisms to establish their proper placement within the classification system.

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Q: One way scientists classify organisms is by the method of transportation used by the organism?
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Taxonomy is the science that deals with?

Taxonomy deals with classification, a Taxonomist uses physical features of an organism to classify it.

How do scientists determine whether to consider something as an organism?

1. Organisms reproduce.2. Organisms respond.3. Organisms have one or more skin cells.4. Organisms develop.5. Organisms have a heart. No, they don't. At least, not all of them. This is the most common mistake that people make.

What do scientists most likely consider as important evidence when classifying an unknown organism?

Scientists most likely consider KNOWN characteristics of KNOWN and named organisms when first classifying an unknown organism. They look for similarities and differences between what is known versus unknown. Major differences exclude known categories; strong similarities include the new organism into a known category. This is how scientists continually build a "family tree" of every organism.

What are organisms that obtain energy by feeding on other organisms?

an organism that gets energy from another organism is a consumer. they fall into many catergories. # carnivore- kills and eats another organism # parasite- feeds of a host but keeps the host organism alive for as long as possible # herbivore- eats plant organisms # omnivore- eats both plant and animal organisms # scavengers- eats dead organisms

How do you use the dichotomous key?

A dichotomous key is a key that is used to classify a organism. It is like a list of criteria. Each criteria leads to another which will eventually narrow the number of possible species until you arrive at a specific one.

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What do scientist use to classify unknown organisms?

What do scientists look at to help thhem place organisms into the categories?Read more: What_do_scientists_look_at_to_help_thhem_place_organisms_into_the_categories

Most general group scientists classify an organism by?

Scientists typically classify organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships. This classification system groups organisms into categories such as domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Is one way scientists classify organisms is by reproduce?

Yes, scientists classify organisms based on various characteristics, including their method of reproduction. For example, organisms can be classified as sexual or asexual, depending on whether they reproduce through the fusion of gametes (sex cells) or not. Some organisms, such as certain plants and fungi, can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Additionally, the way in which an organism reproduces can influence its evolutionary trajectory, as different reproductive strategies can have different costs and benefits in terms of survival and reproduction.

Why is it difficult for some scientists to classify some living organism?


What scientists use to classify organism?

The scientists use the dichotomous key or the identification key to classify newly found organisms.shared characteristics.

Objective of unicellular and multicellular organism?

The objective of unicellular organisms is to survive and reproduce by carrying out essential functions such as obtaining nutrients, metabolizing, and responding to their environment. For multicellular organisms, the objective is similar, but they achieve it through specialized cells that work together to maintain the overall health and function of the organism.

Why do biologist classify organism?

Biologists classify organisms into various groups or categories. This enables scientists to organize the millions of kind so of living things based on shared characteristics and to help in the identification of newly discovered organisms. If an organism shares many traits in common with another, the two organisms will be classified or categorized as belonging to the same group. The more closely related two organisms seem to be, the more taxa they will have in common. In this way, scientists can begin to understand the evolutionary relationship of organisms. Classifying organisms also makes naming organisms simpler: due to language and cultural differences, it may be confusing for scientists from around the world who were studying organisms if each organism had a unique name in each country. Classifying organisms within an understood set of rules allows scientists to discuss specific organisms with less confusion.

Why do scientists classify organisms?

first they observed each organism carefully. then they compared and contrasted their observations with known plants and animals. they tried to place similar organisms in one group. a plant or animal that was very different from others would be put in a new group

How did linnaues classify organism?

He used a special method which was very efficient at classifying organisms.

A biologist discovers a new organism what helps the biologists classify the new organism into a specific group?

Common traits with other organisms

Why do scientists now use DNA to classify organisms rather than there features?

Scientists now believe that DNA is the root cause of all the features that an organism has. A very slight change in Human DNA and we may end up having an earthworm.

Is there a single correct way to classify an organism?

Organisms are classified by how closely related they are to each other. There is currently only one correct way to classify an organism and that is into it's seven classifications.