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Please take your puppy to the vetenarian as soon as possible - that is the best solution.

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Q: Our puppy has a hole on the side of his back i have been putting peroxide on it an i havent seen any worms poke out could you give me any suggestions on what to do?
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Can you use peroxide in a sentence?

u could say "I got a bottle of peroxide from the store to bleach my hair."

Will hydrogen peroxide open the hair shaft to increase hair dyeing effectiveness?

First, hydrogen peroxide you buy at the store is damaging for your hair. Second ,it is not the same as peroxide developer in hair dyes. Third, opening the hair shaft will make your color fade faster. Plus it could change the color of the dye you are putting on. The question was true. Yes hydrogen peroxide opens the cuticle of the hair to allow the dye to penetrate it. Peroxide is an alkaline substance with a base of about 9. It opens the cuticle so that the colour can be deposited in the hair. If you didn't use peroxide your colour wouldn't last long.

What colour is hydrogen peroxide solution?

Hydrogen Peroxide itself is as colorless as water. Hydrogen peroxide solution is a bit ambiguous, and could vary with what you mean by "solution".

You havent got your period in 4 months could you be perganet?

Yes you could be, or you might not be.

Can you clean a lip piercing with hydrogen peroxide?

NO. Absolutely not. Do sea salt soaks. If you use hydrogen peroxide, that could just make the piercing take longer to heal altogether. Peroxide is what can burn off healthy tissue.

Is Elizabeth normal?

no how could she be ive met her if you think she is you havent met her yet

Is hydrogen peroxide able to kill semen?

Well Hydrogen Peroxide is able to kill the most deadly bacteria. So by random guess I am pretty sure it could.

Do you put peroxide on a spider bite?

You can. Peroxide is probably not going to help a whole lot with the "spider bite" part, but it could help keep the wound from becoming infected.

Is panoxyl an organic peroxide or a dangerous peroxide that could cause damage?

Panoxyl is both an organic and a dangerous peroxide. Side effects include skin irritation, dryness of affected area, and discoloration. If this gets into someones eyes they should flush them immediately.

Does hydrogen peroxide help disinfect a deep cut?

You are never to put hydrogen peroxide on a deep cut or wound, as it could possibly damage tissue and cause loss of sensation.

You havent came on your period for over a week and you did a pregnancy test yesterday but im not pregnant so why havent you came on?

Stress, change of life styles, it could be a many of things.

If your 7 weeks pregnant and your breast havent changed at all could there be something wrong?
