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Q: Oxygen gains 2 electrons to become what?
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Do oxygen gain or lose electrons?

Oxygen is an oxidizer, it will gain electrons in a reaction to complete it's valence shell.

If an oxygen atom gains two electrons to become an oxygen ion what is the electric charge?


If oxygen gains 2 electrons what charge will it have?

It would have a negative charge. It would be a negative ion with a 2+ charge.Remember: when an atom gains electrons they become NEGATIVE.when an atom loses electrons they become POSITIVE.

When an oxygen atom gains two electrons to become an oxygen ion what is the electric charge?

The resulting oxygen ion has a charge of -2.

What number of electrons does an atom in the oxygen family usually gains or shares?


How many electrons does sulfur gain or lose to become stable?

Sulfur gains 2 electrons to become stable.

If 2 electrons where added to oxygen atom what would be the charge?

All atoms have a neutral charge until they lose or gain electrons. Once they lose/gain electrons then they are considered ions. Gaining electrons- If atoms gain electrons then they are getting negatively charged particles making them have a negative charge. Losing electrons- If atoms lose electrons then they are losing a negative charge and they become a positively charged ion. Oxygen- Oxygen will have a negative charge before a positive charge because it needs only two electrons to have a stable valence level. For example, Oxygen will take the electrons from two Hydrogen atoms and make H20.

How many electrons must the oxygen atom lose to be stable?

Oxygen wants to gain 2 electrons, so its charge would be 2-, because electrons have a negative charge.

How many electrons will oxygen atoms lose or gain when forming an ion?

Under the usual chemical conditions oxygen gains 2 electrons to form ions. However when ionized by electrical discharges or other high energy physical processes oxygen can lose any number of electrons to form ions (even all of its electrons).

What are the formulas for magnesium oxide and strontium oxide?

The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is MgO. Magnesium has valency +2 and oxygen has -2. So, magnesium donates two electrons and oxygen gains two electrons to form ionic bond.The chemical formula for strontium oxide is SrO. Strontium has valency +2 and oxygen has -2. So, strontium donates two electrons and oxygen gains two electrons to form ionic bond.

How does a sulfur atom become a sulfur ion?

Gains two electrons. S 2-.

Why is Mg2O2 a correct formula for magnesium oxide?

Magnesium is 2+ Oxygen is 2- Mg2O2 should really be written out MgO since the two's cancel out. Mg is a metal so it loses 2 electrons to become a noble gas which makes it a positive 2 Oxygen is a non-metal which means it gains 2 electrons making is a negative 2