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East Pakistanis increasingly felt that the region was treated mostly as a colony of West Pakistan.

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Q: People of Pakistan fought a civil war in 1971 because?
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it was important because many people fought for peace

Did people disagree with Abraham Lincoln's plans for slavery?

The Civil War was fought primarily because of disagreements about slavery.

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because he fought in the civil war. and he fought in Iraq

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Name of the highest Civil Award in Pakistan is Nishan-i-Pakistan (The Order of Pakistan)

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The enslaved people in the Union during the Civil War fought in battle. These enslaved people often wanted to fight because the Union treated them better than the Confederacy.

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yes thats how they fought

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because so many thousands of people died.

Why did the Romans fight a number of civil wars?

Because they fought in so many wars was that the reason is the other people they fought with was doing something bad to them first so the declared a war and that is why.

Was the Civil War fought in vain?

Not at all. Many people don't know that the civil war was fought for more than one reason. - Abolishment of slavery - Civil Rights - Rights of the people, and land for landowners. No, without the civil war, our economy and civil leadership wouldn't be what it is today.

Who fought in the American Civil War?

We fought each other. That's why it is called a "civil" war. The southern states fought the union. the people who fought in the civil war were people like Rosa park and Martin Luther king to fight for difference and freedom to show that black and white people to mix and to try and persuade people that black people are the same as white people.