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pH = 4 is about in the middle (4.7) of the values pH=pKa,1 and pH=pKa,2.

This is an indication of H2PO4- abundantly being present, because

  1. at pH=2.14 it is halfway forming its conjugate acid H3PO4


  2. at pH=7.21 it is halfway forming its conjugate base HPO42-
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2w ago

At pH 4, the predominant form of phosphoric acid would be H2PO4-, as it is the species that corresponds to the second pKa. This is because when the pH is between the first and second pKa values, the acid primarily exists in its second protonated form.

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Q: Phosphoric acid H3PO4 has three dissociable protons with pkas 2.14 and 6.86 and 12.4 which form of the acid predominates in a solution of pH 4?
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To find the pH of completely ionized phosphoric acid, first determine the concentration of the hydronium ions (H3O+) by using the molarity of the phosphoric acid solution. Then, calculate the pH using the equation pH = -log[H3O+]. Since phosphoric acid has three dissociable protons, the pH would be dependent on the concentration of H3O+ from the complete ionization of the acid.

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Phosphoric acid is an acid, as it donates protons (H+) in a solution. It is a weak acid commonly used in soft drinks to give a tangy flavor.

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3H3PO4 represents 3 molecules of phosphoric acid, H3PO4. This compound is a triprotic acid, meaning it can donate three protons in solution.

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Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is a triprotic acid, meaning it can donate three protons (H+ ions). In its pure form, phosphoric acid does not have an overall charge, but when it donates its protons in a solution, the resulting ions may have charges.

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Phosphoric acid is considered to be a weak acid, although it is stronger than acetic acid. It can donate up to three protons in solution, making it a triprotic acid. It is commonly used in food and beverage production.

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In terms of acidity, phosphoric acid is typically considered stronger than acetic acid. Phosphoric acid is a triprotic acid, which means it can donate three protons in solution, leading to a stronger acid strength compared to acetic acid, which is a weak acid.

What is the pH of H3PO4?

The pH of H3PO4 (phosphoric acid) depends on its concentration. For a 1M solution, the pH would be around 0.91. Since phosphoric acid is a weak acid that can donate three protons, its pH decreases with increasing concentration due to the dissociation of H+ ions.

The basicity of phosphoric acid is?

Phosphoric acid is a triprotic acid, meaning it can donate three protons (H+ ions). Therefore, it shows three levels of basicity.

Why is phosphoric acid called a triprotic acid?

Phosphoric acid is called a triprotic acid because it can donate three protons (H⁺ ions) when it is dissolved in water, leading to three dissociation steps and three corresponding Ka values.

How many steps are required to completely ionize a triprotic acid?

A triprotic acid has three dissociable protons, so it requires three steps to completely ionize. This means that the acid can donate three protons in total, creating three corresponding conjugate bases.

How is the formula for what common polyprotic acid?

The formula for a common polyprotic acid, like sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, or carbonic acid, typically includes multiple hydrogen atoms that can each be ionized to release protons in solution. These acids can donate multiple protons in a stepwise manner, leading to their classification as polyprotic.