

Pink lotus flower

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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A lotus flower symbolizes Nirvana, because, like a spiritual aspirant, it travels through the murky waters (their current muddied mind state) to reach the sunny bliss (Nirvana).Also the Lotus Flower is a symbol of peace.

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What is the name of the Indian flower?

The Indian flower is called a lotus. A pink Flower with a yellow dot inside.

Why is the Buddha sat on a pink lotus flower?

A lotus flower symbolises Nirvana, because it travels through the murky waters to reach the sunny bliss.

Can you show a picture of a lotus flower?

I'm not able to display images, but you can easily find pictures of lotus flowers by conducting an online search or visiting a stock photo website. Lotuses are known for their beauty and symbolism in various cultures.

What is the meaning of the lotus flower in Ancient Egyptian culture?

there is two specific colors of lotus flower in ancient Egypt; the white lotus, the blue lotus (which was native to the country), and the pink lotus which was introduced to ancient Egypt from Persia in the late period. It became a symbol for the sun, creation, and rebirth since it closes at night and sinks underwater and by morning it rises above water and blooms again.

What does the lotus flower represent?

The lotus flower grows in muddy water and rises above the surface to bloom with remarkable beauty. At night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again. Untouched by the impurity, lotus symbolizes the purity of heart and mind. The lotus flower represents long life, health, honor and good luck

What are the ingredients for Black Magic Smoke?

Damiana, Blue Lotus, Passion flower, Baybean, Lemon Grass, Dwarf skull cap, Indian Pennyworth, Marshmallow, Pink Lotus.

Lotus flower tattoo meaning?

There are lots of symbolic meanings for the lotus flower: In ancient Egypt is was a symbol of rebirth. In China it is a symbol of unity. In India it is a symbol of the divine feminine. In Tibet it is a symbol of mystery. To Buddhists it is a symbol of enlightenment. As tattoos are a very personal thing, it is not wise to assume any specific meaning for any tattoo. To be certain what it is intended to mean I suggest you as the person wearing it.

Can you get drunk if you it a lotus flower?

The term lotus can be papplied to seveal different plants. The Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) also known as Blue water lily or Egyptian lotus. It The Egyptians used this the flower for its healing qualities. Today some that the plant cssan be used as a recreational drug when steeped in wine). Nelumbo nucifrta (Pink Lotus) is reported to have similar intoxicating effects and is mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. This is cocntradicted by its use as a food plant by some cultures.

What does a lotus flower color mean?

Buddha used the lotus flower as an analogy of how a persons mind can be transformed and reach serenity. He said that the lotus starts its life in the mud of the river, but slowly seeks the sunshine and finally rises above the river into bloom. Our minds are like that, until we work to free oursleves from conflicted emotions and desires and reach the serenity of nirvana, we are stuck in the mud of samsara, which is this crazy world of illusions.

What is the colour of the petals of a lotus?

the colours of the lotus flower are:* White Lotus (Skt. pundarika; Tib. pad ma dkar po): This represents the state of spiritual perfection and total mental purity (bodhi). It is associated with the White Tara and proclaims her perfect nature, a quality which is reinforced by the color of her body. * Pink Lotus (Skt. padma; Tib. pad ma dmar po): This the supreme lotus, generally reserved for the highest deity. Thus naturally it is associated with the Great Buddha himself. * Red Lotus (Skt. kamala; Tib: pad ma chu skyes): This signifies the original nature and purity of the heart (hrdya). It is the lotus of love, compassion, passion and all other qualities of the heart. It is the flower of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. * Blue Lotus(Skt. utpala; Tib. ut pa la): This is a symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses, and signifies the wisdom of knowledge. Not surprisingly, it is the preferred flower of Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom.

Where did the lotus flower originate from?

It is a flower that is usually pink with a yellow center. Sometimes the petals are white or purple though.Lotus is the common name for any of about 100 species of plants of the legume family, as well as several unrelated plants of the water lily family which include the American lotus.