

Power plants why are they bad?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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power plants are used to generate power...... why they are saying bad order to generate power u need turbines to rotate and then using generator mechanical energy is converted in to electrical energy..... in order to rotate turbines they are goin for many methods.....some will rotate turbines with high stream..... so u need large amount of water to produce a stream so here wastage of water.... there are some power plants which give pollution.. and nuclear power plant is very dangerous,,, even if small accident or mistake has done means which results in such a vaste danger and damage for living things............... and even other than nuclear powerplants also leads to damage even if a small mistake or error occured means...... if we maintained properly means we can avoid..

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Why do you need nuclear power plants?

You have to have power plants because without them we would not have enough power =)

Why are power plants bad for the environment?

Fossil fuel power plants are bad for the environment because they produce greenhouse gases, deplete our fossil energy supply, and maintain/increase our dependence on imported oil and gas. They also produce radioactivity - much to some people's surprise - often more than nuclear plants - because they depend on combustion of uranium (radium, thorium, etc.) bearing fuels. Nuclear power plants, on the other hand, are environmentally and ecologically sound, having a smaller risk to benefit ratio. Yes, there have been some bad accidents, but the global picture is that these accidents have been blown out of proportion. Politically, they are a problem, but they are a bigger part of the solution as well.

How do nuclear power plants contribute to thermal pollution?

Nuclear power plants do not cause thermal polution.

What is the source of energy in nuclear power plants?

The source of energy in almost all nuclear power plants is fission or the splitting of the atom. There are a few experimental fusion power plants, (or the joining of the atoms), but, there are few of them, since the energy needed to produce fusion is extremly high, and only last a few seconds. Around 99.99% of nuclear power plants are fission power plants.

What do nuclear power plants have to do with nuclear energy?

Nuclear power plants produce electricity by using nuclear energy

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there is 69 power plants in minnesota

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Yes they are bad they might need over 200 nuclear power plants in 2030 so people that see this use less eletricity and get solar panels if you can

Why do you need nuclear power plants?

You have to have power plants because without them we would not have enough power =)

What power stations produce CO2?

Coal fired power plants,Petroleum power plants,