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Vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is Only found in meat and dairy products. Strict vegetarians Have to take a vitamin supplement or they will be at risk of a Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

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Q: Pregnant women who are vegans are at risk for a deficiency of which nutrient?
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Which substance is an important nutrient for pregnant women?

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Which nutrient is recommended for all women capable of becoming pregnant?

Folic Acid

Name two groups of people that are prone to nutrient deficiencies?

Two groups of people who are prone to nutrient deficiencies are pregnant women and teenagers.

What is vitamin Bs deficiency disease?

Older adults, pregnant women, and people with certain health conditions .

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Each year an estimated 8,000 pregnant American women are infected with HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS ).

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What age group has a high risk group for iron deficiency?

Infants, children, and some women are the group that has a higher risk of having an iron deficiency. A lot of pregnant women have to take iron supplements because a lot of the time their iron will drop below the efficient level.

Which group of people are most likely to suffer from an iron deficiency?

People in underdeveloped countries and pregnant women. It can come from poor diet as in most 3rd world countries or it can be attributed to blood loss from menstruation or high iron demands in pregnant women.

What nutrients do pregnant women needs?

Studies show bacon and eggs can make your baby smarter due to high levels of the micro-nutrient choline in them.

Does pregnancy favor positive nitrogen balance?

Nitrogen status is positive in growing infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and people recovering from protein deficiency or illness.

What is progestrone deficiency and how to treat it?

For a good balanced sexual life both men and women are in need of progesterone hormone in good amount of number. If there is deficiency in progesterone hormone means then sexual life between men and women will become an unbalanced one. To reduce progesterone deficiency, progesterone cream for men and women are available which will be helpful for progesterone deficiency.

What should anemic people eat?

Red meat and a lot of iron are good for anemic people.