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preparation of m-nitro benzoic acid from benzene

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Q: Prepare O-nitrotoluene from benzene and show reactions involved?
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Is phenol easier or more difficult to substitute with bromine than benzene?

The substitution reactions of phenol are easier than benzene, phenol directly reacts with bromine and gives tribromo phenol while benzene requires FeCl3 as a catalyst and gives mono bromo phenol.

Why is benzene unsaturated give reasons?

The benzene molecule is unsaturated but the double bonds present inside the benzene ring are delocalized due to bond resonance (pi structure). This makes the double bonds of benzene much less reactive then more discreet double bonds (as in ethylene). This structure makes it behave more like a saturated compound, preferring substitution reactions over addition reactions. It is resistant to addition reactions across the double bond because such a reaction reduces the resonance stabilization energy. However, when reactions do occur, resonance stability is almost always re-established (Birch Reduction reactions are exceptions. See related link).

Is the saturation of benzene the same to the other unsaturated hydro carbons?

As posed, the question makes no sense on several levels. Benzene is not saturated although it is far less reactive than would be expected for an unsaturated compound due to delocalisation of the electrons. I am unsure what you mean by asking if saturation and "unsaturation" are the same.

Which is the upper layer between water and benzene?


What separation method do you use to separate benzene from a mixture of benzene and methyl benzene?

since benzene has a very less boiling point , it will evaporate easily if the mixture is heated . Thus we can obtain the vapour and condense it to obtain solid benzene

Related questions

How do you prepare cyclohexane from benzene?

Cyclohexane can be prepared from benzene through catalytic hydrogenation. In the presence of a catalyst such as platinum or palladium, benzene can be reacted with hydrogen gas under high pressure and at high temperature to produce cyclohexane.

What is reactions of methyl benzene with iron powder?


How prepare benzen hexa clorief from benzen?

The Benzene hexa clorief is prepared by light-induced addition of chlorine to benzene.

How will you prepare picric acid from benzene?

Picric acid can be prepared from benzene by first nitration to form nitrobenzene, followed by further nitration and subsequent treatment with a nitric/sulfuric acid mixture to yield picric acid. The process involves multiple steps and careful control of reaction conditions to avoid explosive hazards. It is important to handle picric acid with caution due to its potentially explosive nature.

Benzene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon An interesting property of benzene is that?

it forms a planar hexagonal structure due to delocalized pi electrons, known as aromaticity. This unique property makes benzene stable and resistant to addition reactions, leading to its distinct reactivity compared to typical unsaturated hydrocarbons.

What is a bean shaped structure with inner membranes on which chemical reactions take place?

I think it is Benzene

Why benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction whereas alkenes undergoes addition reaction?

The cation formed upon addition of an electrophile to benzene is highly stabilized by resonance,whereas the cation formed to an alkene is stabilized by hyperconjugation. The loss of a proton in benzene is favourable due to the restoration of the cyclic pi-system.

Is phenol easier or more difficult to substitute with bromine than benzene?

The substitution reactions of phenol are easier than benzene, phenol directly reacts with bromine and gives tribromo phenol while benzene requires FeCl3 as a catalyst and gives mono bromo phenol.

List four combinations that resulted in exothermic reactions?

Hydrogen and oxygen; hydrogen and fluorine; sodium and fluorine; and benzene and oxygen.

Why is benzene unsaturated give reasons?

The benzene molecule is unsaturated but the double bonds present inside the benzene ring are delocalized due to bond resonance (pi structure). This makes the double bonds of benzene much less reactive then more discreet double bonds (as in ethylene). This structure makes it behave more like a saturated compound, preferring substitution reactions over addition reactions. It is resistant to addition reactions across the double bond because such a reaction reduces the resonance stabilization energy. However, when reactions do occur, resonance stability is almost always re-established (Birch Reduction reactions are exceptions. See related link).

What is the isolation of benzene?

Benzene can be isolated from crude oil through fractional distillation, where it is separated from other hydrocarbons based on differences in boiling points. Alternatively, benzene can also be synthesized from other chemicals through processes such as the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane or the hydrodealkylation of toluene.

How do you convert benzene into propyl benzene?

Benzene can be converted into propylbenzene by performing a Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction using propyl chloride and a Lewis acid catalyst such as aluminum chloride. The reaction results in the substitution of a hydrogen atom on the benzene ring with a propyl group, forming propylbenzene. It is important to use proper safety measures and control reaction conditions to prevent side reactions and ensure high yield.