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no.... that was Lincoln

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Q: President Andrew Johnson was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater?
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Did President Andrew Johnson was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater?

What are you talking about? Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by Booth at Ford's Theater not Johnson

President Andrew Johnson was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater.?

no.... that was Lincoln

Who ran for vice president with Lincoln in in 1864?

Andrew Johnson was then consequently the vice president, and after that, when Lincoln was assassinated, we was the president himself.

Who becomes the president if the president is assassinated?

The vice president, Andrew Johnson.

Who was the vice president sworn into office after president Lincoln was shot?

Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's Vice-President. When Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson became President. He only served the uncompleted term of Lincoln, 1865-1869.

Who was after Lincoln?

Andrew Johnson, who was President Lincoln's Vice President, when he was assassinated.

Which President did Andrew Johnson succeed?

Andrew Johnson succeeded Abraham Lincoln, after Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.

Where was president Johnson assassinated?

There have been two U.S. Presidents named Johnson: Andrew and Lyndon; neither of whom were assassinated.

Who was Andrew Johnson assassinated by?

Andrew Johnson's predecessor Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by Booth. Johnson was not assassinated.

Whose death made Andrew Johnson the President?

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, making Vice President Johnson the president.

Who become American president after the assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson replaced President Lincoln?

Yes, after Lincoln was assassinated, Andrew Johnson replaced him and served from 1865-1869.