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truman violated the spirit if not the letter of the constitution.

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Q: President Truman's decision to deploy 1.8 million troops in the Korean War without a formal declaration of war from Congress?
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What facts were not related to President Trumans decision to replace General MacArthur?

general macArthur was not willing to invade North Korea A+

What were president trumans ideas that were rejected by congress?

President Truman seemed to face opposition from Congress at every turn. Most times, he fought for what he believed in, but occasionally, he lost. Most of the opposition the president faced was toward his domestic policies\ because Congress at the time was very conservative.

How did president Trumans's late-term legislative efforts compare with those of President Eisenhower?

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When was Harry Trumans decision to use the atomic bomb?

The same day they were ready Truman had the decision. The people were ok with it.

Why are trumans coat and hat on the ground?

truman put them there before going after congress

What number was harry trumans president?

He was the 33rd President of the United States.

On what grounds do Trumans critics question his decision?

Mostly for the civilian casualties, the disease, and the destruction.

What was Harry S Trumans position?

u.s. senator Vice-President, then President, then ex-President. Always a Democrat.

What factor appears to have influenced Trumans decision most strongly?

type ypur answer here apex students

What was unusual about trumans presidency?

He was not elected, as he was the vice president he took the office when Roosvelt died.