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In 1892 the leading countries of Immigration to the U.S. were Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, and immigrants from those countries remained among the most numerous until the beginning of World War I. Germans were the most numerous from 1892 to 1894, the Irish in 1895, and then Italians from 1896 to 1917, when the U.S. entered World War I. In 1899 the record-keeping methods of the Immigration Service changed, so that the top countries of immigration are listed as Italian, Jewish, Polish, German, Scandinavian, Slovak, Croat, but "Jewish" and "Polish" would previously have been considered Russian, most "Scandinavians" would previously have been considered Swedish, and "Slovaks" and "Croats" would previously have been considered as coming from Austria-Hungary, so you can see the actual countries of origin did not change that much, only the names.

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i think the answer is either Ellis island or the New York harbor by the Statue of Liberty.

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Q: Prior to 1892 where did the immigrants arrive in US?
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Where did immigrants arrive in the Us and where were they from?

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