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void main()


int a[10],i,j,k,n;

printf("enter number of elements of array");


printf("Enter array elements");





printf("enter the element you want to delete");










printf("The array after deletion of %d is:",k);







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11y ago

A queue is a FIFO data storage structure, where FIFO stands for first-in, first-out. A simple queue supports two basic operations: fetch the element at the front of the queue (if any), and insert an element at the end of the queue (if space is available).

A simple implementation of a finite-size queue using the hypothetical data type QType could be implemented using a simple ring buffer like so:

#define Q_SIZE 5

static struct {

int head;

int tail;

QType data[Q_SIZE];

} q = { 0, 0 };

bool get_first(QType* const result) {

bool ok = false;

if (result && q.head != q.tail) {

*result =[q.head];

q.head = ++q.head % Q_SIZE;

ok = true;


return ok;

} // first

bool add_last(QType me) {

bool ok = false;

int next = q.tail++ % Q_SIZE;

if (next != q.head) {[q.tail] = me;

q.tail = next;

ok = true;


return ok;

} // add

A straight-forward implementation with an array and a constant head position at index zero is inferior, as every removal of the head element requires moving all other queued elements forward by one index. The implementation based on a ring buffer avoids this step.

More complex queues support deletion (removal of an element which is not at the head of the queue), for example when a maximum waiting time expired or other circumstances change, and the insertion of new elements with different priority levels (higher priority elements can push ahead of lower priority ones).

Most queue implementations will also support predicates to query the number of elements currently queued up (without changing the queue), and many allow to peek into the queue (obtain an element without removing it from the queue).

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9y ago




int main()


std::vector<int> a = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};

assert (a.size() 5);


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Q: Write a program in c plus plus in which insertion and deletion in an array?
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