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size_t count_char (const std::string& s, const char c)


size_t count = 0;

size_t offset = 0;

while ((offset = s.find(c, offset)) != s.npos)





return count;


int main()


std::string str {"Hello world!"};

std::cout << "String: "" << str << """ << std::endl;

for (auto c : str )


size_t count = count_char (str, c);

std::cout << "'" << c << "' occurs " << count << " time" << (count==1?"":"s") << "." << std::endl;



Example output:

String: "Hello world!"

'H' occurs 1 time.

'e' occurs 1 time.

'l' occurs 3 times.

'l' occurs 3 times.

'o' occurs 2 times.

' ' occurs 1 time.

'w' occurs 1 time.

'o' occurs 2 times.

'r' occurs 1 time.

'l' occurs 3 times.

'd' occurs 1 time.

'!' occurs 1 time.

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