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The Prophesy of Mohammad (PBUH) in Parsi Scriptures. This prophesy is purely propaganda of Muslims that have made up the same story for every religion and say Muhammad has been mentioned. Zend Avesta is the holy book of Zartosht & nothing but invasion by Arabs & Turks exist which mentions how blood thirsty & greedy these people are.

  1. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Zend Avesta

    It is mentioned in Zend Avesta FarvardinYasht chapter 28 verse 129

    (Sacred Books of the East, volume 23, Zend Avesta Part II pg. 220):

This is actually what is written in the Zend Avesta, not the propaganda Arabs & Muslims put out about Zoroastrian holy book.

"And rule and sovereignty come to slaves, such as the Turk and non-Turanian of the army, and are turbulent as among the mountaineers; and the Chini, the Kavuli, the Softi, the Ruman, and the white-clothed Karmak then attain sovereignty in my countries of Iran, and their will and pleasure will become current in the world.

"'The sovereignty will come from those leather-belted ones and Arabs and Rumans to them, and they will be so misgoverning that when they kill a righteous man who is virtuous and a fly, it is all one in their eyes.

"'And the security, fame, and prosperity, the country and families, the wealth and handiwork, the streams, rivers, and springs of Iran, and of those of the good religion, come to those non-Iranians; and the army and standards of the frontiers come to them, and a rule with a craving for wrath advances in the world.

"'And their eyes of avarice are not sated with wealth, and they form hoards of the world's wealth, and conceal them underground; and through wickedness they commit sodomy, hold much intercourse with menstruous women, and practice many unnatural lusts.

Also Arabs & Muslims talk about Dasatir a Zoroastrian holy book? Dasatir is a book written by a Muslim, it is a fantasy book that has nothing to do with any Zoroastrian or religion of Zoroastrians, not now or ever. It is a fantasy book to promote Islam to Zoroastrians that never accepted Islam, remember Iranians fought Arabs for over 23 years before being forced into Islam & it took another 700 years to force the masses into accepting Islam by force of Taxation, Humiliation, lack of rights against Muslims, destruction of temples, religious bigotry, not permitted to get educated & many other tactics to get people to accept Islam.

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