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Q: Proteins can be used to determine how closely related organisms are because amino acid sequences are determined by an organism's?
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Why do scientists study proteins to find evidence for evolution?

Proteins reflect DNA sequences, so scientists study proteins to look for genetic similarities and differences in organisms.

. The DNA sequences that make up the genetic code of an organism determine which traits the organism will exhibit.?

Instructions coded by DNA sequences are translated into proteins which express an organism's physical traits

The DNA sequences that make up the genetic code of an organism determine which traits the organism will exhibit.?

Instructions coded by DNA sequences are translated into proteins which express an organism's physical traits

The DNA sequences that make up the genetic code of an organism determine which traits the organism will exhibit?

Instructions coded by DNA sequences are translated into proteins which express an organism's physical traits

Why would different organisms have many different proteins from one another?

DNA codes for RNA which codes for tRNA anticodons that are attached to the amino acid which will make up the polypeptide chain and ultimately the protein. Basically, DNA is the blueprint that will ultimately decide which proteins will be made. Proteins are made up of sequences of amino acids. If two organisms have similar amino acid sequences, that means that they must have similar DNA that told the cells to make those amino acid sequences.

How do genes determine the characteristics of organisms?

Genes determine the physical characteristics that an organism inherits.

What do you call the DNA cut into smaller sequences by proteins?


What takes advantage of repeated DNA sequences that do not code for proteins?

DNA fingerprinting is a technique that takes advantage of repeated DNA sequences that do not code for proteins. It is a useful technique in forensic science.

Do two proteins that have similar amino acid sequences have similar functions even if they are isolated from different organisms?

Functional similarity depends on the similarity percentage and the positioning of the conserved residuesin the sequences that are important for interaction. Usually the sequences showing 35% or more MAY tend to show functional similarity but again as i said it ALSO depends on the conserved residues in the sequences which may be located in the active site.

What are plasma proteins and their functions?

plasma proteins determine......

Proteins in cells are assembled by structures called?

Ribosomes assemble amino acids into proteins.

How do organisams get proteins?

Organisms can synthesize proteins or get them in their diet.